Фото: Inspections of the State Labor Office

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Inspections of the State Labor Office

Reading time: 3 min.

Dezhpratsi has resumed inspections of employers. Such inspections are aimed at ensuring compliance with legislation in the field of labor and are determined by the State Service of Ukraine on Labor Issues. Preparation for such an inspection is important to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and to avoid fines and other negative consequences. In this article, we will consider the steps and recommendations for preparing for the State Labor Inspection.

Steps of preparation for the State Labor inspection:

  • Familiarization with the legislation: The first and most important step is to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the current legislation in the field of labor. Knowing the requirements and rules will allow you to avoid violations and competently answer the inspectors' questions.
  • Personnel and personnel documentation audit: Check the availability and relevance of each employee's documents, such as employment contracts, personnel cards, salary certificates, orders that relate to part-time or full-time employment, granting vacations, familiarization with job instructions, internal regulations, etc. Ensure that all employees have health screenings and occupational safety training.
  • Evaluation of working conditions: Ensure compliance with norms and standards regarding working conditions. Conduct a risk assessment and take measures to reduce the negative impact on the health of employees.
  • Documentation Preparation: Keep all necessary documents in proper order. This includes evacuation plans, time logs, reports of work conditions surveys, etc.
  • Staff training: Train staff on rules and requirements related to occupational safety and compliance by employees, and also instruct how to communicate with inspectors in in case of inspection.

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Recommendations for a successful State Labor inspection:Cooperation with inspectors: Show readiness to cooperate with State Labor inspectors. Provide the information and documents they need and answer all their questions correctly and fully.

Create a working group: Create a working group that will be responsible for interacting with the inspectors and providing the necessary information. This will help to respond in a coordinated and quick manner to the requirements of the inspectors.

Keeping an inspection log: During the inspection, keep a log in which you record all the actions of the inspectors, their questions and answers. This will be a supporting material in case of need for further solutions to the issues.Response to identified deficiencies: If deficiencies are identified during the inspection, respond to them immediately. Develop a remediation plan and take action to eliminate them.

Preparation for possible fines: Be prepared for possible financial sanctions. Consider the possibility of advance payment of fines or their payment in installments or their appeal in an administrative or judicial procedure.

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Prykhodko lawyers and partners in this context prove to be an integral part in the process of preparing and passing the Gostrud inspection. They have deep knowledge in the field of labor legislation and practical experience in solving issues related to inspections. Legal expertise can help you correctly interpret the requirements of the law, as well as identify and correct possible deficiencies in the personnel management system and documentation. Lawyers are able to carefully check all employment documents, prepare the necessary documentation,and also provide professional advice on interaction with inspectors. They can prepare personnel for communication with representatives of the State Labor Office, provide recommendations for preventing possible violations, and effectively interact with the supervisory body during the inspection.

Applying to lawyers Prykhodko and partners in matters of preparation for State Labor inspection will not only provide legal support, but also help preserve the company's reputation and effective resolution of potential legal issues. This approach maximizes the chances of successfully passing the inspection and ensuring compliance with all standards.

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Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

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