Фото: How to submit a declaration of a civil servant? Support for filling out the NAZK declaration

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How to submit a declaration of a civil servant? Support for filling out the NAZK declaration

Reading time: 4 min.

Competent and correct submission of the civil servant's declaration is an important step in ensuring transparency and openness in the activities of government officials. There are several key reasons why this process must be done correctly.


Why is it important to submit the declaration of a civil servant correctly?

  1. Legal requirement. Filing a declaration is a legal requirement for civil servants in many countries. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in legal consequences such as fines or removal from office. Correctly filling it out allows you to fulfill this requirement efficiently and in accordance with the law.
  2. Prevention of corruption. The civil servant's declaration contains information about his property status, income and financial obligations. Competent submission of the declaration excludes the possibility of concealment or incorrect indication of these data, which helps in preventing corruption and ensuring transparency in the activities of civil servants.
  3. Maintaining public trust. Competent and honest submission of the declaration contributes to maintaining public trust in state institutions and their representatives. This is important for maintaining stability and democracy in society.
  4. Responsibility before the Law. A competent declaration indicates a responsible approach of the civil servant to his duties. This is important for creating a legal culture and establishing norms for conducting public service.
  5. Monitoring of state resources. The information contained in the declaration can be used to monitor the use of state resources and ensure their rational and efficient use.
  6. Increasing the effectiveness of the fight against money laundering. The declaration can also serve as a tool in the fight against money laundering, as it provides an opportunity to trace the origin and movement of a civil servant's financial assets.

Competent submission of the declaration is not only a requirement of the law, but also an important step in ensuring transparency, ethics and responsibility of civil servants to the public.

Important stages of filing a civil servant's declaration

Filing a civil servant's declaration is an important and mandatory stage in their professional activity.

The process requires attention, accuracy and compliance with the requirements of the law. Below are important steps to consider during this process:

  1. Registration in the electronic declaration system. The first step is to create an account and register in the electronic declaration system on the web portal of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC). The civil servant must enter personal data and ensure access to the system.
  2. Collection and entry of basic information. A civil servant must enter basic information about himself, such as personal data, family information, salary and other income. It is important to enter all information accurately and completely.
  3. Declaration of property status. The declaration must contain information about the property status of the civil servant, including real estate, transport, bank accounts and other assets. This stage requires a responsible and detailed approach.
  4. Indication of financial obligations. A civil servant must declare his financial obligations, such as loans, debts and other obligations. It is important to list all financial obligations accurately and completely.
  5. Verification and correction. Before signing the declaration, it is important to check all the information in detail. If errors or incorrect information are found, they should be corrected before submission.
  6. Sign and submit. After successful verification of the declaration, the civil servant must personally sign the document and submit it by the specified deadline. The signature indicates his consent and responsibility for the information provided.
  7. Copy retention and documentation support. The civil servant must keep a copy of the submitted declaration and all accompanying documents. This is important for further possible verification and control.

It is important to note that inconsistencies or false information in the declaration may have legal consequences, so every civil servant must carefully perform all stages and comply with the requirements of the law.

How do we help with filling out the NAZK declaration?

Our lawyers and experts are ready to support you at every stage of filling out and submitting the declaration. We understand the complexity of the process and are ready to provide you with professional advice, answer all questions and ensure your absolute peace of mind - by providing full support for filling out the NAZK declaration.


Do not hesitate to contact us for qualified assistance in submitting a civil servant declaration. We are proud to provide our clients with quality legal services and help ensure compliance with all requirements and standards. For a consultation or price calculation of full legal support for correctly filling out the NAZK declaration - fill out the form below.

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