Фото: How to issue a postponement of mobilization?

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Skumadchuk Diana

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How to issue a postponement of mobilization?

Reading time: 2 min.

In today's conditions, Ukraine faces important challenges related to geopolitical and internal conflicts, which present citizens with the need to understand and protect their rights in the context of possible mobilization. An urgent question that worries our citizens is how to issue a postponement of mobilization in Ukraine in accordance with current legislation?

  • Acquaintance with legislation

The first and important step is a detailed study of the legislation regulating the mobilization process in Ukraine. Knowing your rights and responsibilities will allow you to react correctly and act in accordance with the established norms.


  • Definition of grounds

One of the main reasons for receiving a postponement from mobilization is the presence of medical contraindications. You should receive documents from a doctor that confirm your state of health and inability to perform military duties.

There may also be family circumstances or other grounds provided for by Ukrainian legislation that allow for an official postponement of mobilization.

  • Preparation of documents

After determining the basis for obtaining a postponement, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents. This may include a medical certificate confirming your health status or other documents justifying your need to be exempt from military duty.

  • Appeal to TSS

Some categories of citizens who have specific circumstances can apply directly to TCC and SP. In this case, it is important to have with you all the necessary documents and arguments confirming the legality of the reason.

  • Application and submission of documents

Usually, the deferral procedure includes submitting an official application along with all the necessary documentation to the relevant authorities. It is important to consider the terms and rules of submission to avoid possible difficulties.

  • Protection of rights

In case of refusal of postponement or other negative decisions, citizens have the right to appeal and turn to judicial authorities for a fair decision. Contacting professional lawyers can be helpful in protecting your rights and interests.

  • Follow up on updates

Legislation is subject to change, so it is important to keep abreast of updates and changes in relevant regulations. This will allow you to quickly react to any changes and adapt your actions.


Issuing a postponement of mobilization in Ukraine is a process that requires attention to detail, knowledge of laws and timely response to changes. Careful preparation and fulfillment of all requirements will guarantee the protection of your rights and interests in wartime conditions. If you are interested in clarifying questions and the nuances of the deferral process, contact specialized military lawyers for legal advice.

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Junior lawyer

Lawyer practicing military law. Specializes in dismissal from military service, obtaining a deferment from mobilization, appealing the military military commission, writing reports, supporting payments after injury, registration of a combat participant, etc.

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