"Climbing up is always difficult - it's easy only when you fly down".
Head of migration law practice
Lawyer, master of law, expert in the field of migration law.
How to get a residence permit in Ukraine?
A residence permit in Ukraine can be temporary or permanent. It all depends on both the applicant's purpose for living in our country and the existence of grounds for obtaining a residence permit. Speaking of a permanent type of residence permit, it is worth noting the concept of an immigration quota. This is the number of foreigners who can come to Ukraine for residence during a year. That is, immigration can take place both within the quota and outside the quota, if the person has grounds for this. Legal support for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine will be offered by the lawyers of the Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm.
Who can get a temporary residence permit in Ukraine?
So, among those who have the right to obtain a temporary residence permit are
- foreigners and stateless persons who came to work or conclude a gig contract;
- persons who arrived to participate in international technical assistance projects (it is important that these projects are registered in accordance with the established procedure);
- persons who arrived at the invitation of religious organizations registered in Ukraine;
- persons who came to Ukraine to participate in the work of non-governmental organizations registered in accordance with the current legislation;
- those who arrived in Ukraine to participate in the work of duly registered representative offices of foreign companies or banking institutions;
- cultural and scientific figures who have come to Ukraine to engage in the above-mentioned activities.
The above is by no means an exhaustive list of persons entitled to apply for a temporary residence permit. It is quite extensive, so you can read it in more detail in Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”. Better yet, you can immediately contact professional lawyers who will analyze the grounds for obtaining a temporary or permanent residence permit and will be able to advise you on the prospects in this area.
How do I get a residence permit in Ukraine?
To obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, you should follow the following algorithm:
- collect the necessary documents;
- apply to the territorial office of the State Migration Service;
- submit an application and a package of documents, having previously paid the state fee;
- obtain a residence permit.
Although this sequence seems simple enough, most applicants have questions at the stage of collecting documents. Therefore, in order not to face a refusal to obtain a residence permit, it is worthwhile to resolve them with professional lawyers and act in advance.
How can we be useful to you?
Specializing in the field of migration law, the lawyers of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm are ready to efficiently and effectively assist you in obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine.
Our services are as follows:
- Consultations. We will advise you on the procedure for obtaining a residence permit, the grounds and the list of documents in your case.
- Legal support. This service greatly simplifies all those processes that do not require your personal presence.
- Representation in court. We work efficiently enough to minimize the need to use this legal tool to influence the situation. However, if you are faced with an unjustified refusal to issue a residence permit, we are ready to use it as well.
Our migration lawyers and attorneys will be able to provide you with an initial consultation on the grounds and possibilities of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine, as well as provide support at all stages of obtaining the necessary documents. Fill out the form on the website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.
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Head of migration law practice
Lawyer, master of law, expert in the field of migration law.
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