Фото: How to check if you are conscripted?

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How to check if you are conscripted?

Reading time: 3 min.

Military accounting is a subject that is constantly undergoing transformations as a result of regular legislative changes. Thus, draft law № 10062 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine" contains information about the "Oberig" register of conscripts. This draft of the future legal act proposes to improve the interaction between the registers and to expand the list of information on conscripts. Citizens themselves will not need to collect many documents for the TCC either, because information about full-time education or disability will already be in the register. It is also planned to create an electronic office of conscripts.


However, all that was previously discussed are plans for today. They have not yet been fully implemented. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what the current reality is at the moment. We will also talk about how the services of the Prikhodko & Partners law firm can be useful. We specialize, among other things, in client requests in the field of military law. So you can get quality help and understand the issues that are important to you.

How to check today whether a person is on military registration?

It is worth noting that information from various registers enters the "Oberig" register. However, it is currently unknown when it will become operational and whether conscripts will have access to it through the electronic cabinet. Currently, the procedure for submitting requests and obtaining data from this register by citizens is not regulated in any way. Therefore, you can check your data only by contacting the TCC. If we talk in this context about the services of the Prikhodko & Partners law firm team, we can provide high-quality consulting support that will help you:

  • get answers to your questions;
  • save time, as you will not have to independently search for the necessary information, which often has to be found by sifting through reliable sources and insufficiently relevant data in the context of relevance;
  • understand the prospects for the development of your interaction with the TCC in the matter of possible mobilization, based on the individual circumstances of your situation.

Thus, getting advice from specialists makes life much easier.

Another service offered by our team is to send a request to the TCC. In view of the busyness of the territorial centers of recruitment and social support, the appeal sent by the citizen himself may be considered longer. At the same time, the lawyer's request has more weight, as it must be answered in a fairly short period of time.


What else can we be useful for?

The legal company "Prikhodko & Partners" can not only check whether you are on the military register, but also provide other services in the context of escorting to the TCC. For example, in matters of military service as part of mobilization, a person often needs clarification and high-quality legal support. Bureaucratic aspects and the human factor often stand in the way of constructive interaction between the Military Committee and conscripts.

So if you need quality representation of your interests, contact us. We will help make your interaction with TCC as constructive as possible. Fill out the form below and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Senior lawyer

Specializes in military law: contesting the conclusion of the military medical commission, writing reports, writing applications to the TCC and SP for deferment, support for dismissal from military service, consultations on mobilization.

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