Фото: Grounds for transfer to another military unit

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Grounds for transfer to another military unit

Reading time: 4 min.

There may come a point in a serviceman's career when objective circumstances and his own desire indicate that he should transfer to serve in another unit. Such a procedure is quite real, but very difficult. The team of the Prikhodko&Partners law office regularly receives such requests, so we know in which algorithm we should act in order to help our clients. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this issue in more detail.


What are the reasons to transfer to another part?

The grounds for transfer are:

  • Health status. To confirm it, it is necessary to provide the relevant opinion of the Military Medical Commission. If you feel and observe obvious signs of deterioration in your health, you should start by writing a report regarding referral to the Military Medical Commission. It is written in the name of the immediate commander. At the same time, not everything can go smoothly here either. Sometimes the human factor comes into play
  • Family reasons. For example, it may be the need to be closer to a spouse or husband with a disability in order to be able to provide assistance if necessary. Variants of family circumstances may be different, but their list is established by current legislation. In addition, relevant documents must be provided to confirm such circumstances.
  • Conclusion of job description. If the competences and personal qualities of a military person are more conducive to him performing work better in another part where he is needed, this can also be a reason for transfer.
  • Service necessity or organizational measures. These grounds are also detailed in the current legislation. If you are interested in their clarification from professional lawyers, you can contact the team of the Prikhodko&Partners law office. We work in such a way that in the course of consulting we convey the necessary information to our clients in simple words.

And now it is worth touching on such a question as the transfer between different types of troops in more detail.

How the transfer takes place?

If it is necessary to ensure transfer between different operational commands, units or units, then there must be orders from the officials who control these units. If the transfer takes place between different types of Armed Forces, then there must be an order from the Commander-in-Chief. If the units between which the transfer takes place belong to different types and branches of the military, then an order from the head of the personnel service of the Ministry of Defense is required.

What are the conditions for transfer?

The three key conditions that allow you to transfer are:

  • Availability of a basis. You already had the opportunity to read about their detailed list at the beginning of our article.
  • Good will of the commander. It is important that your desire to transfer coincides with the real possibilities for this.
  • Relations from the part where you will be ready to receive. Without this condition, it is also impossible to transfer, because in the part where you would like to go, there must be a need for such a specialist of the corresponding position.


If you are interested in more detailed information on this topic, you can read the Order of the Minister of Defense on the approval of the instructions on the organization of the implementation of the Regulation on the completion of military service by citizens of Ukraine in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The document has number 170 and is dated May 19, 2009. Also relevant is the Presidential Decree on Provisions on the Military Service of Ukrainian Citizens in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was adopted on December 10, 2008.

However, you will make your life much easier if you entrust all these issues to professional lawyers who will explain everything and provide legal support for the transfer procedure. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will call you to clarify the information and provide advice.

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Specializes in military law: contesting the conclusion of the military medical commission, writing reports, writing applications to the TCC and SP for deferment, support for dismissal from military service, consultations on mobilization.

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