Фото: Grounds for going abroad

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Kovalev Artem

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Grounds for going abroad

Reading time: 3 min.

Martial law conditions in Ukraine lead to the introduction of a number of restrictions on citizens to ensure security, avoid the leakage of critical resources and maintain control over important sectors of society. One of these restrictions is restriction of freedom of movement, in particular travel abroad. This is due to the need to control the potential risks associated with the displacement of citizens, the movement of a large number of people and possible threats to national security.


What are the legal grounds for going abroad under martial law?

Martial law creates complex conditions, and the departure of men under certain circumstances can be determined to be justified and legal. General circumstances that may be considered valid grounds for the departure of men during martial law include:

  • Family obligations. Family Protection and Evacuation: If the husband is the primary breadwinner or is responsible for the safety of his family members, his departure may be justified for the purpose of protecting and evacuating the family to a safe place.
  • Medical reasons. Treatment or family assistance: If the spouse has medical responsibilities or responsibilities to care for sick family members, his departure may be justified in order to provide necessary medical assistance.
  • Professional obligations. Protection of critical infrastructure: If a man works in a field that is critical to the security and functioning of the country (eg, law enforcement officer, doctor, rescue worker, etc.), his departure may be justified to ensure the safety and support of essential services.
  • Educational process in another country. If a man is studying abroad, he also has the right to leave.


But it is important to understand that in each case you need to get permission to travel abroad, which can be refused for a number of reasons. Therefore, all these reasons do not give a hundred percent guarantee of obtaining a permit issued by the TCC of the JV or other competent authorities.


Legal consequences of an illegal attempt to travel abroad

  • Administrative responsibility. Citizens who try to travel abroad during martial law without appropriate permits may be subject to administrative liability. This may include fines, confiscation of documents or other administrative sanctions.
  • Criminal liability. In some cases, an illegal attempt to travel abroad can lead to criminal liability. This may include arrest, investigation and judicial punishment for violation of established norms and laws.
  • Limitation of rights and privileges. Citizens who attempt to leave abroad illegally may be subject to restrictions on their rights and privileges, such as restrictions on access to certain services, jobs or social benefits.

How does our law firm help in this matter?

Our company specializes in providing competent legal assistance under martial law. We offer a wide range of services to provide our clients with legal and effective solutions:

  • Individual consultation. Our lawyers conduct individual consultations, determining the client's personal circumstances and providing recommendations on the most effective ways to travel abroad under martial law.
  • Preparation of documents. Our team prepares all necessary documents for departure, including applications for refugee status and other necessary legal documents.
  • Representation in court. We provide legal support in court procedures related to obtaining refugee status and other issues related to travel abroad.
  • Monitoring of legislation. Our lawyers cover all changes in legislation regarding travel abroad during martial law, so that our clients always receive up-to-date and accurate information.

By contacting our law firm, you will receive not only professional support, but also confidence that your rights and interests will be protected under martial law.
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Head of criminal law practice

Expert in criminal and international law. He also specializes in crimes in the field of military activity and in the financial sector.

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