Фото: Exemption from mobilization

"Arma potentius aequum".

Ternova Diana

Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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Exemption from mobilization

Reading time: 3 min.

Exemption from mobilization is a procedure by which a person may not be drafted during mobilization for military service due to certain reasons.

This may include special circumstances that allow a person to be excluded from military service due to reasonable circumstances. Reasons for exemption from mobilization may include medical problems, family circumstances, age restrictions, or other legal exemptions that allow individuals to avoid military service. In Ukraine, exemption from mobilization depends on specific circumstances and conditions.


It should be noted that during the general mobilization in Ukraine, conscription for conscription is not carried out, and accordingly, the grounds for exemption from such conscription provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" do not apply. Instead, Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" is applied, which specifically defines the full list of grounds for deferment of conscription by conscripts during mobilization.

Some of the possible categories of persons who may be exempted from mobilization include:

Individuals with medical limitations: i.e. individuals with serious chronic diseases, disabled persons, or those with other medical conditions that prevent military service. In turn, the decision on unfitness is made by the military medical commission.

Persons with family responsibilities: parents who are dependent on three or more children, but only up to 18 years of age; parents of minor children, if one of them is already serving; parents of disabled children; persons who support their disabled parents or spouses or provide constant care for them may also have grounds for exemption from mobilization.

As well as persons who are caretakers of people who need constant outside help or who are guardians according to a court decision for incapacitated persons.

Individuals of a certain age: Legislation provides for age limits for conscription during mobilization, and individuals who have reached a certain age may be exempted from mobilization.

Persons who have a certain status: namely, students who meet certain criteria and teachers.


Persons whose relatives were military personnel and died during the defense of the Motherland while performing a combat mission.

A reprieve can be granted for a certain period, and this is an important aspect for those who have a legitimate reason not to be mobilized. Read other articles on our website regarding the detailed algorithm for applying for a deferral.

If you need an explanation of the legislation or you need an understanding of the list of documents for processing a postponement, contact military lawyers for advice. Fill out the form on our website and we will contact you shortly.

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Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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