Фото: Dismissal from military service if the father died

"Arma potentius aequum".

Ternova Diana

Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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Dismissal from military service if the father died

Reading time: 3 min.

The longer the war goes on, the more people die every day. And as practice shows, unfortunately, it can be several people from the same family who are simultaneously serving defending their native country. The death of a soldier at the front means a great tragedy for his relatives. This leads to uncertainty, deep grief, the loss of a loved one and an extremely difficult test for the family.

Paying attention to this, the legislation was slightly adjusted, which led to the fact that a new reason for dismissal from military service based on the death of a close relative appeared.

Therefore, taking into account the family circumstances in order to prevent the death of several people in one family, a military man who is serving can, of his own free will, write a discharge report.


Unfortunately, people mistakenly think that this ground for dismissal also applies to those cases when civilian relatives, for example, a father, died during martial law while staying at home during an air raid under the rubble of a house from rocket debris or simply from bad weather. However, no, the given reason for dismissal concerns the death of the father during the execution of combat missions, who was a military serviceman and defended the Motherland. The main condition is evidence, namely documents that confirm these circumstances.

It is a pity, but there are situations when a serviceman cannot obtain the necessary documents from the part where a relative died, so it is better to entrust this matter to a lawyer who can request them and help with the release.

First of all, if you are having trouble getting your documents from the military, you may find the following steps helpful:

  • contact the military unit directly: contact the military unit in which the serviceman served and find out why the documents may be delayed. The application can be made in person, by phone or by mail.
  • appeal to the Territorial center of procurement and social support: you can also apply to the Territorial center of procurement and social support, where the documents from the military unit of the deceased serviceman were sent. They can provide information and help with obtaining documents.
  • Legal advice: Consider contacting a lawyer or an attorney who can help you resolve this issue and determine next steps. A lawyer can provide you with a legal analysis of your situation, advise you on what steps to take and how to properly interact with the military.


What exactly will the consultation of a lawyer help?

A legal analysis of the situation consists in the fact that a lawyer evaluates your situation and provides recommendations on all the necessary documents for dismissal. Provides specific advice and guidance on the next steps you should take. And representation: If needed, a lawyer/advocate can represent you in dealings with the military or other authorities.
A legal professional can also inform you of your rights and responsibilities in this situation and point out any legal aspects that should be taken into account.

Remember, contacting a qualified lawyer can make solving such legal issues much easier.

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Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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