Фото: Difference between removed and excluded from military registration

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Lawyer in the field of military law. Specializes in issues of mobilization, postponement and reservation. Provides services for appeals to the military medical commission, escorting to the military commissariat, dismissal from military service, obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. Conducts court cases on military issues.

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Difference between removed and excluded from military registration

Reading time: 3 min.

In the context of increased attention to national security, military registration plays a key role in Ukraine's defense system. However, many citizens have difficulty understanding some of its aspects. In particular, the concepts of "removed" and "excluded" from the military register often cause confusion, although they have significant differences.

Frequent questions about deregistration and exclusion from the register indicate the need for a clear explanation of these concepts.


Key differences between deregistration and exclusion from military registration

Understanding the difference between the concepts of "deregistration" and "exclusion" from military registration is important for every citizen of Ukraine liable for military service.

Exclusion from military registration:

  • Permanent status;
  • Complete termination of military obligations;
  • Impossibility of being called up for mobilization;
  • No need to undergo a military qualification examination and update data.

Removal from the military register:

  • Temporary measure;
  • Retention of the status of a person liable for military service;
  • Continuation of military duties;
  • The need to undergo a military qualification examination and update data;
  • Obligation to inform the TCC and the JV about changes.

Legal grounds for temporary removal from the military register

Ukrainian legislation provides for a number of circumstances under which persons liable for military service may be temporarily removed from the military register.

Territorial change of residence

  • Moving outside the jurisdiction of the current TCC and JIC results in deregistration;
  • Registration with a new TCC and JV at the current place of residence is required;
  • During martial law, a change of registration requires prior approval from the TCC and JV.

Transfer to the law enforcement agencies

  • Entering the service of the National Police, the State Bureau of Investigation, the BES, the State Committee of Ukraine for Execution of Sentences or civil defense agencies;
  • Transfer of accounting from the TCC and JV to the departmental structures at the new place of service.

Long-term stay abroad

  • When traveling outside Ukraine for a period exceeding 3 months;
  • Necessity to register with the consular military service in the country of temporary residence.

Important! Deregistration does not exempt from military duty. Persons liable for military service must timely inform the relevant authorities of any changes in their status.

Різниця між знятий і виключений з військового обліку

Legal grounds for permanent exclusion from the military register

Ukrainian legislation clearly regulates the circumstances under which citizens are subject to exclusion from the military register:

  1. Medical unfitness: the final conclusion of the regional military qualification commission on unfitness for military service.
  2. Age restriction: reaching the statutory age limit for being in the reserve (usually 60 years).
  3. Change of citizenship status: official termination of Ukrainian citizenship in accordance with the current legislation.
  4. Criminal sentence for especially serious crimes: a court sentence of imprisonment for serious or especially serious criminal offenses has entered into force.
  5. Current serving of a sentence: staying in penitentiary institutions to actually serve the sentence imposed by the court.

Important! Exclusion from the military register is an irreversible process that exempts a person from further performance of military duty.


The specialists of the law firm "Prikhodko & Partners" are already waiting for your questions regarding military registration. Our experts have extensive experience and knowledge in resolving issues related to the status of persons liable for military service.

We will help you understand the complex legal aspects, prepare the necessary documents, and provide legal support at all stages of the procedure for removing or excluding you from military registration. Fill out the form on the website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Lawyer in the field of military law. Specializes in issues of mobilization, postponement and reservation. Provides services for appeals to the military medical commission, escorting to the military commissariat, dismissal from military service, obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. Conducts court cases on military issues.

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