"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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Some of the mobilized Ukrainians belong to the categories eligible to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine at their place of residence. So those about whom we will go further can write an appropriate report. At the same time, such a situation often occurs that, having grounds for service at the place of residence, a person is faced with artificial complications. In this case, one should not give up and assume that it will be impossible to achieve justice. High-quality legal support for this request allows you to change the dynamics of the situation. You can apply for such support to the team of the law office "Prikhodko&Partners", because assistance to clients in military matters is one of the significant areas of our services.

What is the law governing this issue?

Here we need to refer to the Law of Ukraine "On mobilization preparation and mobilization duty". Article 23 of this regulatory legal act states that the following categories of persons can serve at the place of residence:

  • persons containing 3 or more minor children;
  • persons raising a minor child on their own;
  • persons raising a minor child with a disability (these may be not only biological parents, but also trustees, guardians, foster parents, adoptive parents);
  • persons raising a child with one of the list of diseases provided for in the mentioned legal norm (this list is quite wide, it includes cerebral palsy, orphan diseases, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and a number of other diseases);
  • Persons who support their adult child with I or II disability group;
  • persons providing permanent care for a sick child, spouse, their parents or the parents of a wife or husband (it should be remembered that registration of permanent care provides for a different procedure than registration of guardianship);
  • adoptive parents, adoptive parents, trustees, guardians or educators who support underage orphans or children deprived of parental care;
  • having a wife or parents (own or wife) with II or I group of disability;
  • guardians of a person with a disability who has incapacity, in accordance with the established procedure, confirmed by the court.

When it comes to caring for a sick child, wife or parents, such an illness must be properly confirmed - by the conclusion of the MSEC or a medical advisory commission operating within the healthcare institution. It is also important that in order to arrange such care, one important condition must be met - cohabitation with the person who will be looked after. It is this that is considered a guarantee that the overseer will be able to perform his duties properly.


Why You Should Seek Legal Help?

As practice shows, people often face artificially created complications in exercising their rights when it comes to transfer to a military unit at their place of residence.

This is the situation when legal support will be useful and help move the case forward. We know how to act and focus on the result. Therefore, you can be sure that the case will not be left halfway, and you will be able to defend your rights.

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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