Фото: Citizenship of Ukraine at birth

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Citizenship of Ukraine at birth

Reading time: 3 min.

The topic of Ukrainian citizenship is always relevant, and especially in the conditions of martial law. For example, when a child is born abroad to parents where both or one are citizens of Ukraine, the parents may worry about whether they will have Ukrainian citizenship. It is worth touching on this issue in detail in order to dispel myths and answer actual questions. We should also note that such topics belong to the key focus of the practice of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm. Therefore, you can get high-quality consulting assistance and order legal support in interaction with government bodies with which you need to contact when solving documentary issues.


What does the legislation say?

The Law "On Citizenship of Ukraine" regulates issues related to the political and legal connection of a person with the state, which is manifested through citizenship. In particular, the acquisition of citizenship by birth is covered in Art. 7 of the mentioned legal act. It states that a child has Ukrainian citizenship in cases where:

  • Both parents or one of them has Ukrainian citizenship at the time of the child's birth.
  • The child was born on the territory of our state, and his parents are stateless persons, but live here legally.
  • The child was born in another country to the stateless persons mentioned in the previous paragraph. At the same time, the citizenship of another country was not acquired.
  • The child was born on the territory of Ukraine to persons who are foreigners and live here legally. At the same time, citizenship was not acquired by the origin of any of the parents.
  • The child was born on the territory of Ukraine to a person who has the status of a refugee here or received asylum. At the same time, citizenship was not acquired by the origin of either of the parents.
  • The child was born in Ukraine to parents who are foreigners and stateless persons and, at the same time, live on the territory of our state legally. At the same time, the child did not acquire citizenship by origin of the parent who is a foreigner.
  • The child was found on the territory of Ukraine, and both parents are unknown.

A child who has the right to acquire the citizenship of Ukraine on the listed grounds is a citizen of our country from the moment of birth.

When you need legal help?

In some cases, you may need legal assistance to obtain a document that certifies the child's citizenship. This is especially difficult in situations where a child is born abroad. It is necessary to interact with the consular institution and provide a package of documents provided for by law.

It is worth noting that the list of required documents is different for different items listed in the list above.


If you want to simplify this procedure as much as possible, you should contact experts who will advise and take on a representative function in your interaction with government bodies and their territorial units or representative offices in other countries.

Lawyers of the "Prikhodko&Partners" law firm offer their clients a wide range of legal services. This includes support for issues related to the acquisition of citizenship of our country by birth. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you to clarify the information and guide you on the algorithm of actions for acquiring Ukrainian citizenship by birth.

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