Фото: Certificate of postponement of conscription

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Certificate of postponement of conscription

Reading time: 3 min.

Having all the reasons for issuing a postponement, conscripts still ask questions, and in what way and with what document the postponement should be issued. Almost two years after the war in Ukraine, unfortunately, there is no single approach regarding which document confirms the right of a conscript to deferment. Because of this, there are many abuses by TCCs and joint ventures, because if there is no uniform practice, then everyone does as they see fit.

Some TCCs and joint ventures issue extracts from the protocols of the commission's consideration of deferment, other certificates, some issue a summons to appear before the TCC and JV after a certain period of time (usually 6 months) or enter information about the deferment in the military records of the conscript.

It should be noted that the current legislation does not provide for a separate certificate of deferment.

A certificate of deferment from conscription can be a document that confirms a person's right to deferment from conscription for military service. But since its form and content are not regulated by legislation, it is not realistic to obtain it in practice.

The best confirmation of receiving a deferment is the information contained in the military registration documents (military ticket). This is due to the fact that it will not cause doubts when checking the documents of the TCC and JV, as it can be in the case of presenting a certificate or an extract from the TCC and JV.


Information on deferment from conscription must contain the following information:

  • surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence of the person who received a deferral;
  • the basis for obtaining a deferral;
  • data entry date;
  • the period of validity of the postponement;
  • signature of the military commissar;
  • seal of the military commissariat.

The validity period of the postponement of the draft is determined by the reason for receiving the postponement. For example, deferment due to family circumstances is granted for a period until the child reaches the age of majority, and deferment due to the state of health is granted for a period until full recovery or until the possibility of military service is lost.
Deferment from conscription is the right of a person to be temporarily exempted from conscription for military service.

A lawyer's assistance in obtaining a postponement of the draft can be useful for the following reasons:

  • A lawyer will help you correctly prepare the documents for obtaining a deferment. The lawyer knows the legislation in the field of military law and will be able to correctly draw up documents that confirm the grounds for obtaining a deferment.
  • A lawyer will help you protect your rights when considering an application for a postponement. A lawyer can defend your interests in the event that the TCC and JV refuse to grant you a deferral.


A lawyer can provide you with the following assistance in obtaining a postponement of the draft:

  • Consultation on the grounds for obtaining a deferral. A lawyer will help you determine the basis for obtaining a deferral and prepare the necessary documents.
  • Preparation of documents for obtaining a deferment. A lawyer will be able to prepare for you an application for granting a deferment, as well as other necessary documents that confirm the grounds for obtaining a deferment.

If you decide to turn to a lawyer for help in processing a deferment from the draft, then you need to carefully choose a lawyer who has experience in the field of military law. Fill out the form on our website and our military lawyer will call you.

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Senior lawyer

Specializes in military law: contesting the conclusion of the military medical commission, writing reports, writing applications to the TCC and SP for deferment, support for dismissal from military service, consultations on mobilization.

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