Фото: Case: receiving a grant of UAH 250,000 for farming

"Our work is sophisticated strategies for success that open doors to financial resources."

Grytsai Mykola

Head of grants and investment attraction department

Specialist in finding and receiving grants, developing business plans and attracting investments for businesses and public organizations

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Case: receiving a grant of UAH 250,000 for farming

Reading time: 3 min.

Client: Volodymyr.
Region: Kharkiv Region
Purpose: to obtain funds for the purchase of a hay baler
Business: farming.

The purpose of the client's request

Volodymyr owns a farm where he keeps cows and sells milk. He also has his own land on which he grows barley and corn in the Kharkiv region, and one of the items of large business expenses was the collection and baling of hay, the client had to constantly contact contractors.

After talking with the client, we agreed that under the program " Grant for your own business" for 250,000 hryvnias, he can spend the entire amount on the purchase of a baler for baling hay into rolls.

The cost of such a press is about 400 thousand hryvnias, and most of the cost of this equipment can be covered by the grant program.

So, on September 20, we signed a cooperation agreement.

How did we help?

Our support began with the main stage - checking the possibility of participation in grant programs.

  • Search and evaluation of grant opportunities:

In the first stage, we provided the client with information about several grant programs in which he could participate. After studying the most suitable program, the application deadline was determined.

  • Development of a business plan:

Developing and writing a detailed business plan is one of the most important success factors in obtaining a grant. During consultations, together with the client, we determined the main goals and agreed on plans for the use of financial resources.

  • Preparation and application submission:

After choosing a grant program and developing a business plan, our lawyers filled out all the necessary documents and forms on the Diya electronic portal to apply for a grant.

The application was submitted on October 6, 2023.

This sequence of actions contributed to the effective and systematic receipt of grant support. Our grants department specialists, taking into account their vast experience, helped the client to prepare for the interview with the grantor, taking into account the most frequent questions and aspects of this procedure.

On October 19, Volodymyr had an interview for which we prepared him.

After a successful interview on October 31, we received a positive message about winning the grant.

After receiving the notification about winning the grant, the client, with the help of our grant managers, opened a special account to which the funds were transferred.

Key dates:

Signing of the contract - 09/20/2023
Application submission - 10/06/2023
Interview - 10/19/2023
Decision on winning the grant - 10/31/2023

Together with the client, we are more than satisfied with the result and such fruitful cooperation, which gave us another interesting case and experience in the field of obtaining grants.

If you are interested in this case and would like to receive financing for your business or project - leave a request via this text or call the indicated phone numbers, and we will be happy to answer all your questions and start working together to achieve the set goal.

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Head of grants and investment attraction department

Specialist in finding and receiving grants, developing business plans and attracting investments for businesses and public organizations

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