Фото: Can a disabled person of 3 groups be mobilized?

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Skumadchuk Diana

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Can a disabled person of 3 groups be mobilized?

Reading time: 3 min.

According to Ukrainian law, disabled people cannot be called up for military service. But it is worth remembering the current situation in Ukraine and the introduction of martial law. The issue of military mobilization in Ukraine is relevant due to the difficult political and security conditions. A particularly interesting topic is the possibility of mobilizing people with disabilities, in particular those with disability group 3. Let's find out how Ukrainian legislation regulates this issue.

  • Disabled persons and martial law

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", martial law may be introduced in case of a threat to national security or the life of the population. The conditions of mobilization and call-up for military service are established by the relevant legislative acts.


  • Rights of disabled persons under martial law

The Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Persons Liable for Military Service and Veterans" provides disabled persons and other persons with disabilities with certain protections and rights under martial law. However, whether they can be mobilized depends on the specific circumstances and requirements of the military authorities. It is also important to note the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization." According to Article 23 of this law, disabled persons, including those of the 3rd group, are entitled to a deferral. They are not excluded from military registration, as group 3 disability in some cases is granted for a certain period of time, with repeated review, based on the person's health status.

  • Medical readiness assessment

Before deciding on the mobilization of a disabled person, the military authorities may send a person with a group 3 disability to a medical commission and establish the degree of fitness in accordance with Order No. 402 to determine his or her suitability for military service.

  • Grounds for exclusion from military registration

If the military medical commission confirms that a disabled person is unfit for military service due to his or her health condition, he or she may be excluded from military registration. However, this decision depends on specific circumstances and is taken into account individually.

  • Protection of the rights of disabled persons

Regardless of the circumstances, it is important that the rights and interests of persons with disabilities are protected under martial law. The legislation of Ukraine provides for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities and the provision of their social protection in crisis situations.


Ukrainian legislation provides for the protection of persons with disabilities in the event of martial law, but the possibility of their mobilization is determined based on their medical readiness for military service. It is important to ensure that the law is applied fairly and humanely, taking into account the needs and capabilities of each individual.

This article provides an answer to the question of the possibility of mobilization of disabled persons of group 3 under martial law in Ukraine, taking into account the relevant legislation and medical examination procedures.

If you have additional questions and clarifications, you should contact qualified military lawyers who will provide a legal opinion after analyzing the documents and grounds for calling a person to military service. To get advice or assistance from a lawyer on mobilization, fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Junior lawyer

Lawyer practicing military law. Specializes in dismissal from military service, obtaining a deferment from mobilization, appealing the military military commission, writing reports, supporting payments after injury, registration of a combat participant, etc.

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