Фото: Application to the TCC and JV for deferral

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Application to the TCC and JV for deferral

Reading time: 3 min.

The full-scale hostilities in Ukraine are not losing their intensity, which means that more and more male citizens need to be recruited into the Armed Forces. However, not all men who are liable for military service can serve in the army, as many of them have certain legal grounds for obtaining a deferral from mobilization. However, in order to apply for a deferment, you need to submit an application to the TCC and the JV. How this can be implemented in practice and what are the peculiarities of writing this application - we will discuss these legal aspects in this informational article, taking into account the latest changes to the current legislation of Ukraine.


What has changed since May 18, 2024?

Until recently, citizens liable for military service could apply for a deferment at any time, as there was no single approved form of such a document. However, on May 18, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution № 560 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilization, for a Special Period,” which regulated in detail the submission of relevant documents for obtaining a deferment from mobilization. This resolution approved a new and unified form for applying for a deferment, which is contained in Annex 4.

In addition, other features of such an application were approved, namely

  1. an application for deferment from mobilization in Ukraine can be submitted only in person (i.e., only citizens liable for military service aged 18 to 60) to the district TCC and the JVs where they are registered for military service;
  2. a legal representative (including a lawyer) does not have the authority to independently submit such an application for a deferment from mobilization, as only a citizen liable for military service has this right (but the representative has the right to accompany the client);
  3. along with the application for deferment, a person liable for military service must also submit a package of documents that gives him/her the right and grounds to receive such a deferment;
  4. the received application for deferment must be registered on a mandatory basis, and its consideration cannot exceed 7 calendar days;
  5. upon expiry of the above period, a citizen liable for military service must be notified of one of the following decisions: granting a deferment from mobilization (issued by a certificate) or refusal to grant such a deferment.

Please note! At the time of consideration of an application for a deferment, a citizen liable for military service cannot be sent for a preliminary military qualification examination or forcibly mobilized into the Armed Forces, as this deprives him or her of the opportunity to exercise his or her legal rights to a deferment.


How can you benefit from contacting our company?

As a rule, ordinary citizens lack practical experience and the necessary legal knowledge to obtain a mobilization deferment. Therefore, the best solution in such a situation is to contact the proven specialists of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm. Our specialized lawyers have many years of experience in obtaining a deferment for citizens liable for military service, which allows us to provide only proper legal support to our clients at all stages of the realization of their legal rights and interests. In addition, our attorneys always closely monitor changes in Ukrainian legislation, which allows us to understand all new procedures and legal nuances of any issue.

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Lawyer specializing in military law. Escort at the military commissariat, registration of postponement of mobilization, dismissal from military service, receipt of payments for military personnel, attorney requests.

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