Фото: Application to appeal the decision of the military medical commission

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Lawyer in the field of military law. Specializes in issues of mobilization, postponement and reservation. Provides services for appeals to the military medical commission, escorting to the military commissariat, dismissal from military service, obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. Conducts court cases on military issues.

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Application to appeal the decision of the military medical commission

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As previously reported, in order to appeal the decision of the Military Medical Commission, it is necessary to write a statement of appeal. But what form and content it should have, it is necessary to understand in detail and analyze all the nuances.

The appeal of the decision of the Military Medical Commission is carried out in an administrative or judicial procedure in accordance with the requirements of administrative proceedings.

Grounds for appeal

The decision of the Military Medical Commission can be appealed on the basis of the following grounds:

  • inconsistency of the decision with the law;
  • incomplete clarification of the circumstances of the case;
  • lack of evidence of the circumstances on the basis of which the decision was made;
  • incorrect assessment of evidence;
  • other violations committed when making a decision.

Contents of the application to appeal the decision of the military medical commission

The following information must be specified in the application to appeal the decision of the Military Medical Commission:

  • Surname, first name, patronymic of the person who submitted the application.
  • Date and place of birth of the person who submitted the application.
  • Address of the person who submitted the application.
  • The name of the military medical commission whose decision is being appealed.
  • Date and number of the decision of the MMC, which is appealed.
  • Grounds for appealing the decision of the MMC.
  • Signature of the person who submitted the application.


The following documents must be attached to the appeal application:

  • Copies of documents confirming the circumstances on the basis of which a person considers the decision of the Military Medical Commission to be illegal or unfounded.
  • A copy of the decision of the Military Medical Commission, which is being appealed.

Application submission procedure

The application to appeal the decision of the MMC is submitted in person or sent by postal means. Appealing the decision of the Military Medical Commission is the right of a person who considers this decision to be illegal or unfounded. To appeal the decision of the MMC, it is necessary to appeal to the court in the order of administrative proceedings. You can write an application to appeal the decision of the Military Medical Commissio on your own, if you have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of law. However, if you are not sure of your abilities, it is better to contact a lawyer. A lawyer will help you to prepare the application correctly, provide legal advice and represent you if necessary.


Risks of self-appeal:

  • Risk of error. If you do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of law, you may make a mistake in the application, which may lead to its rejection.
  • Lack of support from a lawyer. A lawyer can provide you with legal advice and guide you on how to act in a specific situation.

Advantages of contacting a lawyer:

  • Quality guarantee. The lawyer has the experience and knowledge necessary for the correct filing of the application and representation of interests.
  • Support of a lawyer. A lawyer can provide you with legal advice and help you with an appeal.

The decision whether to file an appeal against the decision of the MMC on your own or to contact a lawyer is an individual one. If you are not sure of your abilities, it is better to contact a lawyer.

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Lawyer in the field of military law. Specializes in issues of mobilization, postponement and reservation. Provides services for appeals to the military medical commission, escorting to the military commissariat, dismissal from military service, obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. Conducts court cases on military issues.

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