Фото: Application for postponement of mobilization for those with many children

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Application for postponement of mobilization for those with many children

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Since May 2024, mobilization measures have been intensified in Ukraine, as the army needs to attract an increasing number of citizens to undergo military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Along with this, changes were also made to obtaining a postponement of mobilization. What is the relevance of the chosen topic for today. Therefore, in this informational article, experts from the Prikhodko & Partners law firm will tell about the features of obtaining a deferment on mobilization for citizens who have three or more children under the age of 18 on their permanent support.


What are the specifics for receiving a postponement of mobilization for citizens with at least three dependent children?

In general, the following main features can be distinguished for obtaining a postponement of mobilization on this basis, namely:

  • receiving a deferment is not limited to men in military service, as women can also receive a deferment on the basis of supporting three or more children;
  • a citizen conscripted must support his own children. In this context, maintenance should be understood as those circumstances under which a person takes full care of children, directly engages in their upbringing, development of physical and psychological health, provides conditions for children to receive an appropriate level of education, provides emotional support and understanding, explains moral and ethical principles of behavior in life with other people, etc. That is, it creates all the conditions necessary for the full well-being of children;
  • the number of dependent children of a conscript must not be less than three;
  • only minor or minor children who have not reached the age of majority (18 years) should be dependent.

Importantly! If a citizen conscripted into military service has alimony obligations for children and pays them improperly in such a way that the total amount of the debt exceeds the sum of payments for 3 months, then in such circumstances he loses his right to receive a postponement of mobilization.

Application for postponement of mobilization for those with many children

What documents must be submitted to receive a deferral?

  • Copies of the birth certificates of each child with the obligatory indication of the paternity of a conscripted citizen;
  • A copy of the certificate of official marriage registration with the mother or father of the children (it is also possible to submit the decision of the judicial authorities to determine the permanent place of residence of the children for one of the parents who are in military service);
  • Decisions of territorial bodies of guardianship and care on determining the permanent place of residence of children whose parents are conscripted citizens;
  • A copy of the written contract concluded between the parents of the children on determining the participation of each in their upbringing and maintenance, the order and days of their visits, etc.;
  • A copy of the written agreement on determining the necessary amounts and the procedure for paying alimony payments for children in a voluntary manner;
  • The decision of the judicial authority to establish the fact that the children are dependent on a citizen conscripted into the military service.


Pay attention! In each situation that arises in practice, this package of documents can be significantly expanded, and therefore it is necessary to take into account all the legal nuances that arise individually and are specific only to a specific case.

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Lawyer specializing in military law. Escort at the military commissariat, registration of postponement of mobilization, dismissal from military service, receipt of payments for military personnel, attorney requests.

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