Фото: Application for postponement of mobilization

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Application for postponement of mobilization

Reading time: 3 min.

In accordance with Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", deferment from mobilization is granted:

- by family circumstances - to persons who have:

  • minor children;
  • wife (husband) or parents who are persons with disabilities of group I or II;
  • other close relatives who need constant care.

- according to the state of health - to persons who have:

  • invalidity;
  • temporary unfitness for military service due to health;
  • diseases registered in medical institutions;
  • contraindications to service due to health conditions.

- for obtaining an education - for persons studying in higher educational institutions of the I-IV levels of accreditation under full-time or dual forms of education.

- to continue professional activity - to persons working at enterprises, institutions, organizations that are classified as critical infrastructure and play a significant role in supporting the economy during martial law (are reserved).


In order to exercise this right, first of all, you need to make a legally correct application for a postponement.

The application for deferment from mobilization must be made in writing and contain the following information:

  • surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence of the conscript;
  • the basis for obtaining a deferral;
  • references to documents that confirm the basis for obtaining a deferment and, accordingly, the law, according to which the conscript will be entitled to a deferment;
  • explanation of the reasons for which the applicant requests a postponement.

The application must be signed personally by the person submitting it. It is recommended to submit the application in two copies. One is submitted to the TCC and SP, and the other with a receipt remains with the conscript.

The application must be accompanied by documents that confirm the reason for obtaining a deferment. For example, if you are requesting a postponement due to family circumstances, you need information about whether you have minor children or parents with disabilities.

An application for a postponement of mobilization is submitted to the Territorial center of procurement and social support at the place of residence of the conscript.

What reason to choose for receiving a deferment?

The following factors should be taken into account when choosing a basis for obtaining a deferral:

  • reasonableness of the basis. The basis for obtaining a deferment must be documented. For example, if you are requesting a postponement due to family circumstances, you must also provide information about whether you have minor children or parents with disabilities.
  • the probability of receiving a deferral. Some grounds for obtaining a deferral are more valid than others. For example, a postponement for family reasons is more justified than a postponement for health reasons.


Which lawyer to turn to?

You can contact any lawyer or attorney who has experience in the field of military law for legal assistance in obtaining a deferral of mobilization and assistance in preparing an application. However, it is better to contact a specialist who has experience working during martial law. Such a specialist will better understand the peculiarities of the current legislation of Ukraine.

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