Фото: Application for disability deferral

"Arma potentius aequum".

Ternova Diana

Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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Application for disability deferral

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An application for a deferment is an application in a prescribed form that is submitted to the relevant authority (the TCC and the JV) with a request to postpone the performance of a certain duty, namely military service. In the case of military service, a deferral may be granted on various grounds, such as study, family circumstances, health status (e.g., disability), etc.

The application must state the reason for which the person is requesting a deferment and provide relevant documents or evidence to support this reason.

In this article, we will discuss the application for deferral due to disability.

The right to deferral for persons with disabilities is an important guarantee that helps to protect the interests of persons with a complex health condition. It is important to follow all the procedures and submit the necessary documents in a timely manner to apply for the deferral. Thus, you need to start by writing an application. This application shall be submitted in accordance with the model contained in the Resolution used for other grounds for deferral and does not differ in form and content from such applications.


Which disability groups can get a deferral?

Persons with disabilities, regardless of their group, are entitled to a deferment from military service. Ukrainian legislation provides for the possibility of exemption or deferment for all disability groups. For persons with the first group of disability, which is characterized by significant health impairments, they may even be excluded from military registration. The second group of disability is also a ground for deferment, as it includes serious functional limitations. Even the third group of disability is grounds for deferment, especially if the person has serious health problems that limit the ability to perform military duties.

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The application must be accompanied by a certificate from the Medical and Social Expert Commission, as it is the main medical documentation that records the disability group. It is also advisable to attach a pension certificate.

Of course, it is better to contact a lawyer for accurate collection of documents, as they will be able to advise you on what documents you need to attach and what problems may arise at one stage or another. Also, applying for a disability deferment from military service together with a lawyer has a number of advantages.


  • Firstly, a lawyer provides legal support and advice at all stages of the process, which helps to avoid mistakes in the documentation and filing procedure.
  • Secondly, the lawyer knows all the nuances and legal aspects that may affect the outcome of the case and can effectively protect the client's interests.
  • Thirdly, it is physical support, which means that you will have a person by your side who will not allow violation or restriction of your rights.

Do you want to apply for a deferment from mobilization and have legal grounds, but you do not know where to start? Leave a request on the website and make an appointment for a consultation with our military lawyers, who have already helped many citizens to obtain a deferment from mobilization, thereby protecting their rights.

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Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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