"Amаt victoria curam – victory loves diligence".
Head of military law practice
Specializes in administrative law, recalculation of pensions for former policemen and military personnel, including (SBU, NSU, DSNS, DPSU, SZR), specialist in military law. Entered the TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine for 2023 and the TOP-10 lawyers in military law.
Additional types of financial support for military personnel
Taking care of proper financial support for military personnel, the state does everything necessary to streamline the types of financial support and avoid confusion. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this topic in more detail, in particular, with additional types of financial security. We will also tell you how the assistance of the Prikhodko&Partners law office can be useful in client inquiries related to this topic.
What are the types of financial support for the military?
So, financial support consists of:
- monthly main types of financial support;
- monthly additional financial security;
- one-time additional types of financial support.
When we talk about the main monthly types of financial support, these are:
- official salary;
- bonus for length of service;
- salary according to military rank.
It was from these that pensions were recalculated for military pensioners in 2018 automatically. This happened due to an increase in official salary. The corresponding recalculation is provided for by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution № 103. However, during this procedure, additional monthly types of financial support were not taken into account, and therefore military personnel have been suing en masse since 2019. And, it is worth noting that these cases are winning.
What applies to monthly additional types of financial support?
The issue of additional types of monthly financial support for the military is provided for by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 704, and for retired police officers - by Resolution № 988. These types of financial support include allowances, additional payments, and salary increases. We are also talking about remuneration for those military personnel who held positions related to cyber defense and cyber security.
As for one-time types of financial support, which include remuneration and benefits, they are not included in the financial support that determines the size of a military or police officer’s pension. This is exactly what the practice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine shows.
How can the help of good lawyers be useful?
So, when the Pension Fund does not take into account additional monthly types of financial support, this leads to the fact that a retired military man or policeman does not receive the amount of pension benefits that actually belongs to him. If we analyze this from the point of view of numbers, then according to the cumulative principle we get a fairly tangible indicator. Therefore, you should not put up with such a situation. Qualified specialists will help defend your rights and interests.
Sometimes clients ask whether it is possible to do without going to court in such cases. Unfortunately, the practice of appeals indicates that only a court decision becomes the final argument that forces the Pension Fund to act in the interests of the pensioner in such cases. Therefore, instead of denying objective reality, you should understand which strategy to choose.
The best strategy would be to entrust the representation of your interests to those who are well versed in this and have extensive experience in an identical category of cases. These are the specialists who work at the Prikhodko&Partners law office. We will advise you, draw up a competent statement of claim and ensure effective representation of your interests in court.
Do not delay resolving pressing issues related to pension payments. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can receive exactly the pension it should be.
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Head of military law practice
Specializes in administrative law, recalculation of pensions for former policemen and military personnel, including (SBU, NSU, DSNS, DPSU, SZR), specialist in military law. Entered the TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine for 2023 and the TOP-10 lawyers in military law.
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