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  • Article A lawyer in a case of misappropriation, embezzlement or possession of property by abuse of official position – a lawyer under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Фото: A lawyer in a case of misappropriation, embezzlement or possession of property by abuse of official position – a lawyer under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

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A lawyer in a case of misappropriation, embezzlement or possession of property by abuse of official position – a lawyer under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Reading time: 3 min.

Ukrainian criminal law gives lawyers a special responsibility and a key role in cases related to abuse of official position, appropriation, embezzlement or possession of property, which is a serious violation provided for in Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


What is this crime?

This act belongs to the category of crimes related to official activities and involves the taking by an official of illegal measures aimed at misappropriation, embezzlement or possession of property under his management or use due to abuse of his official position.


The main elements of this crime include

  • Official. Implementation of actions can be exclusively within the competence of persons holding a certain official position. This can be a position in government agencies, businesses or other institutions where the person has a certain level of power or control over property.
  • Unlawful measures. Abuse of official position involves taking measures that do not comply with the law or regulations and are aimed at personal enrichment.
  • Misappropriation, embezzlement or possession of property. It means the actual or formal possession or use of property for personal enrichment or harm to others.
  • Property under the management of an official. The crime refers to property that is under the control or management of an official in connection with his official activities.

This crime can result in serious legal consequences for the perpetrator, including imprisonment, fines and other penalties. Its investigations and trials often require skilled legal protection to ensure fairness and due process. In such cases, an attorney who specializes in criminal law and property crimes can provide an effective defense and protect the rights of his client.

The competence of the lawyer in the case under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

A lawyer specializing in such cases has extensive experience and knowledge in the field of criminal law. He has the necessary skills to scrutinize a case, uncover details and identify errors in the prosecution. A lawyer must have experience in cases related to abuse of office and property crimes. This allows him to effectively respond to the nuances of a specific case and distinguish important details. A lawyer must have the ability to develop defense strategies, identify key arguments and adapt them in response to new information or developments.


Features of the defendant's defense

A lawyer who takes part in a case under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, plays an important role in ensuring the justice and legality of the process. He analyzes the evidence, collects testimony and prepares a response to the accusation. A lawyer not only represents the client's interests in court, but also ensures that all rights and freedoms are taken into account and protected.

Final thoughts

A lawyer is an integral link in ensuring justice and protection of human rights and freedoms. Due to the high level of qualification and professionalism, he provides high-quality protection of his client's interests, doing everything possible to achieve a positive resolution of the case.

If you are facing charges under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, contact an experienced lawyer who will provide you with the best defense in court and help resolve the case in your favor. For example, our lawyers from the "Prykhodko and Partners" team will do everything competently and responsibly. The main thing is to completely trust the lawyer and tell only the truth.

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