Фото: 3 disability group: mobilization

"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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3 disability group: mobilization

Reading time: 3 min.

Law №10449, which is often referred to as the law on enhanced mobilization, came into force on May 18. There is a lot of discussion and debate about this legal act. Among other things, it concerns various myths about the possible mobilization of persons with disabilities of group III. The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm regularly works on topics related to military law. Therefore, we carefully monitor new laws at the draft stage, and then, when they come into force, we quickly adapt to their practical application. This makes us always ready to provide our clients with quality advice and offer competent legal support.


Is mobilization for people with group 3 disabilities really provided for?

The new law stipulates that all disability groups are grounds for not being mobilized. At the same time, men aged 25 to 60 whose disability group was established after February 24, 2022, will be subject to verification. This rule applies to all but a fairly narrow and exhaustive range of people. The exceptions are:

  1. those who have previously had a disability group, and after the mentioned date it was upgraded or downgraded;
  2. those who received a disability group as a result of combat wounds and injuries that resulted from participation in the defense of the homeland;
  3. those who are missing limbs or one of the paired organs;
  4. those with cancer, mental disorders, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy or paralytic syndrome.

Thus, persons with disabilities of group III are not obliged to join the ranks of the Armed Forces as part of mobilization. Such persons can only voluntarily sign a contact if they want to start or continue their military career.

What problems can occur in practice?

All of the above could be enough to conclude this topic if the law and its application were identical. Unfortunately, in practice, there are cases of forced mobilization, despite the fact that a person has clear grounds for postponement or even exclusion from the military register. Therefore, before going to the TCC, it is worthwhile to enlist the support and assistance of a professional lawyer specializing in military law. Such professionals work in the team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm. In addition, we can offer physical escort to the TCC, which will protect you from potential abuse of power by representatives of this structure.

First, we will analyze whether the package of documents you have to confirm your disability group meets the requirements for it. For example, if you submit unsuitable documents, there is a high risk that a person may be called up despite having a disability group.


What is the best format for obtaining a turnkey deferment?

When the team of our law firm undertakes to provide legal support for obtaining a turnkey deferment, we carefully examine all the circumstances of a particular situation and the package of documents. Therefore, cases when a client goes to the TCC unprepared are excluded.

We do our best to help as efficiently as possible - from the initial consultation to the physical escort of our clients to the TCC. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you as soon as possible.

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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