Фото: Cybercrime lawyer – the price of a lawyer’s help in a computer crime case

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Cybercrime lawyer – the price of a lawyer’s help in a computer crime case

Reading time: 3 min.

The active implementation of modern technologies in all spheres of social life has provoked an increase in the number of cybercrimes. Both companies and individuals periodically suffer from cyber attacks. The methods of committing such crimes are becoming more and more sophisticated. In modern realities, cybercrimes can provoke a partial or complete failure of the entire system. It is worth noting that cybercrimes belong to criminal offenses committed on the basis of the use of the Internet and computer networks. If you need a cybercrime lawyer, the specialists of Prykhodko and Partners will be able to provide you with highly qualified assistance.

Liability provided for cybercrimes

Current Ukrainian legislation, in particular, the Criminal Code, provides for liability for cybercrimes (Chapter 16). The punishments for cybercrimes are quite severe. Depending on the severity of the crime, these can be fines or imprisonment.

For example, Article 361 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine states that liability is assumed for unauthorized interference with the operation of certain PCs, automated systems and computer networks. Among the ways of committing a crime under this article:

  1. Creation of malicious programs.
  2. Selling software with viruses.
  3. Illegal installation of malicious programs for cryptocurrency mining on a PC.

photo Cybercrime lawyer

Among the most common cybercrimes:

  • Viruses.
  • Cyber ​​fraud.
  • Copyright infringement.
  • Internet scam.

Current Ukrainian legislation has developed the practice of applying articles related to the commission of cybercrimes, taking into account various ways of committing such crimes.

Regardless of which article you are charged with, the first step you should take when facing computer crime charges is to seek the help of a professional attorney. Our lawyers will be able to understand even the most complicated cases.

Help from a cybercrime attorney

More than one business has already suffered from cybercrimes. However, proving the commission of such crimes is a rather complicated process. In some cases, fraudsters create a whole system of actions involving a large number of human and digital resources. That is why overcoming cybercrime is quite a difficult task.

Our cybercrime lawyers provide a full range of professional services, including:

  • Support of the lawyer at the stage of investigative actions/consideration of the case in court.
  • Gathering the necessary evidence and sending requests.
  • Escort during searches or interrogations.
  • Appealing the seizure of property.
  • Support of a lawyer in the process of extracting documents and servers.

photo Cybercrime lawyer


By contacting the specialists of Prykhodko and Partners, you can count on receiving highly qualified legal assistance. Our lawyers have been working with this category of cases for many years. Thanks to our extensive practical experience, we can deal with even the most complicated situations related to cybercrimes.

Therefore, if you have become the victim of computer crimes or you are suspected/accused of committing cybercrimes, you need to enlist the support of our highly qualified lawyers as soon as possible. Thanks to the quick response and the presence of a lawyer at each stage of the criminal proceedings, the case can be resolved in your favor. We will make all necessary efforts for this.

Do you still have questions? We are waiting for a preliminary consultation! To calculate the cost of a lawyer's services in a computer crime case, fill out the form below.

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