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Cases related to the sale of drugs are serious and complex in the field of criminal law. They can have serious consequences for the person accused of such actions. If you are accused of selling drugs in Ukraine, it is important to have an experienced and qualified lawyer who can effectively protect your rights and interests.


What is the penalty for selling drugs in Ukraine adjusted for?

According to Ukrainian legislation, the commission of drug sales is punishable in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The punishment can be different depending on the amount of drugs, the type of substance, as well as other circumstances of the case. The court usually takes into account factors such as previous convictions, the role of the accused and the consequences of his actions for society.

What exactly is the sale of drugs in Ukraine?

The legislation of Ukraine clearly defines the concept of "drug sales". This covers all activities related to the distribution, transfer, sale, exchange, or even storage of narcotic drugs for the purpose of further distribution. However, it is important to note that even a small amount of drugs can lead to serious legal consequences.


What can be important nuances in such a case?

Drug trafficking cases often involve a great deal of legal and factual detail. Important nuances can be:

  • Expert assessment of evidence. Conducting an expert evaluation of narcotic substances can become a key point in the case. The lawyer must carefully check the methodology of the examination, determine its objectivity and honesty. Deviations from standard procedures or mistakes during the examination can be used to prove the wrongfulness of the prosecution and ensure a successful defense of the client.
  • Promulgation. If narcotics were found during the search, it is important to check the legality of the operation. Inconsistency in procedures may invalidate evidence.
  • Cooperation of the accused. Sometimes the accused is offered a cooperation agreement in exchange for a reduced sentence. An attorney must carefully evaluate all aspects of such an agreement and determine whether it is the best option to protect the client.

What to do if you are unfairly accused of selling drugs?

If you have been unfairly accused of drug trafficking, contact an experienced attorney immediately. Here are some steps that may be helpful:

  • Do not make confessions without a lawyer. You have a right to legal protection and your words can be used against you. Wait until an attorney is available before making any confessions or statements.
  • Keep calm. A calm and balanced demeanor can be the key to a successful defense. Avoid conflicts with law enforcement agencies and follow the rules of interaction with them.
  • Contact a professional. The protection of an attorney with extensive experience in drug trafficking cases is an important part of your legal defense. A lawyer can carefully analyze your case, develop a defense strategy and represent your interests in court.

If you are accused of drug trafficking, contact our qualified lawyers who have extensive experience in handling similar cases. We are ready to provide effective protection for your rights and freedom. Our team is ready to help you in complex legal situations and determine the best way to protect your interests.
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