Resolution of disputes with car dealerships

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Resolution of disputes with car dealerships

Dispute resolution with car dealerships is a hot topic for many consumers who face problems when buying cars.

In this article, we will look at the main causes of disputes, possible ways to resolve them, and legal aspects to consider.

The main causes of disputes

  1. Inadequate quality of the car. Often, consumers face problems related to vehicle defects that were not discovered at the time of purchase.
  2. Violation of the terms of the contract. These may be cases when the car dealership does not fulfill its obligations regarding warranty service or delivery of the car on time.
  3. Incorrectly informing the consumer. For example, providing false information about the technical characteristics of the car or its history.

Dispute resolution methods

  • Addressing the claim. Expressing in writing the essence of comments to the car and the requirements that the consumer has sometimes simplifies the resolution of the issue, since there is a need to respond to a written and official appeal, while verbal comments do not automatically require this.
  • The most effective way to resolve the dispute is negotiations between the consumer and the representative of the car dealership. It is important to remain calm and present your claims in a reasoned manner.
  • Alternative methods of dispute resolution (mediation, mediation, etc.). If the negotiations did not yield results, you can turn to a mediator who will help you find a compromise solution.
  • Judicial proceedings. If other methods have failed, the consumer has the right to appeal to the court. It is important to prepare all the necessary documents and evidence to support your position.

Legal aspects

Purchase and sale agreement. Before signing the contract, it is important to read its terms carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the items related to warranty service and conditions for returning the car, as well as whether it is indicated what kind of car it is and what technical characteristics it should have.

Legislation on the protection of consumer rights. The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” is in force in Ukraine, which regulates relations between consumers and sellers. The consumer has the right to receive quality goods and compensation in case of defects.

Practical advice

  1. Keep all documents. This includes the sales contract, receipts, warranty cards, advertising brochures and other documents that confirm the fact of the purchase, the terms of the contract and the seller’s promises.
  2. Fix all defects. If car defects are detected, it is important to record them (photos, videos) and notify the car dealership in writing.
  3. Consult a lawyer. If there are difficulties or you are not sure whether the salon will take your comments into account, please consult a lawyer at the law firm Prykhodko and Partners, who specializes in protecting consumer rights.

Resolving disputes with car dealerships can be a complex process, but following the above guidelines will help consumers protect their rights and achieve a fair outcome.

It is important to remember your rights and not be afraid to defend them.

Law firm “Prikhodko and partners” will gladly and professionally help you defend your rights to receive a quality car in accordance with the conditions agreed with the seller.


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Material damage more than UAH 400,000?


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Specializes in protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, support of tenders, protection of consumer rights, disputes with insurance companies, legal support in cases of administrative offenses.

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