Фото: Recalculation of pensions for mobilized persons

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Expert in the field of civilian pensions, recalculation of pensions of law enforcement agencies and military law.

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Recalculation of pensions for mobilized persons

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According to the Law of Ukraine «On Pension Provision for Persons Discharged from Military Service and Certain Other Persons» pension payments are not suspended for pensioners who are re-enlisted in the military. This applies to those who were mobilized during a special period or signed a contract. The legal provision also applies to reservists called up during a special period. If you are interested in the issues of pensions for military personnel and any other topics related to military law, the team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm has specialists who can competently help you with this. We specialize in this area of jurisprudence and always work for the result, helping our clients.


How is the pension calculated and transferred?

When these categories of servicemen are discharged from service, their pension is paid taking into account the additional length of service acquired since the time of call-up as part of mobilization or signing a contract. In order for a pension to be recalculated, the authorized body of the ministry or agency from which the serviceman or woman left service must provide the following documents

  1. a pension certificate;
  2. calculation of the length of service of the serviceman;
  3. a certificate of additional types of financial support.

Simply put, after dismissal, a person who already had a «military pension» at the time of mobilization must have his or her service and financial support recalculated.

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Can a pension become smaller after recalculation?

It is important to note that if the amount of the pension after the recalculation becomes less, the pension is paid exactly as it was paid before the serviceman was enlisted for service during the special period. Therefore, you have no reason to worry that your pension will be reduced. This will not happen.

If you encounter a problem when your pension was stopped or recalculated, this decision or action can be appealed in court.

Why should you contact us?

Specializing in military law, the team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm provides quality assistance to its clients. The issue of military pension recalculation is one of the top requests in this area of law. The fact is that, despite the norms of the current legislation and the practice of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, Pension Fund officials in most situations are not on the side of the pensioner. And even when they try to resolve the issue directly through the Pension Fund, they are often refused. Some stop there, while others go to court to defend their violated rights. That is why claims against the Pension Fund make up almost the bulk of cases heard in administrative courts.


The pension law specialists working in the team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm provide their clients with the following services:

  • Consultation. During the consultation, we get acquainted with the specifics of your request, study the existing problems and assess the prospects. We also tell you about the best course of action in your situation.
  • Legal support. This is not just a consultation, but a whole range of services designed to make it easier for you to interact with officials who are responsible for resolving your issue.
  • Representation in court. In most situations involving requests for pension recalculation, this is the legal tool that has to be used. And, as practice shows, such cases are winnable.

Contact us - we will help you defend your rights and protect your legitimate interests. Our pension recalculation lawyers have the necessary experience and many winning cases against the Pension Fund. To get an initial consultation or order the services of a lawyer, fill out the form on the website and a lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Assistant lawyer

Expert in the field of civilian pensions, recalculation of pensions of law enforcement agencies and military law.

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