Write-off of loans and interest on loans to female military personnel

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Write-off of loans and interest on loans to female military personnel

With the beginning of a full-scale military aggression, the issue of social and legal protection of military personnel and their family members, who are defending the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine, required special attention.

In response to these challenges, the state took a number of measures aimed at supporting defenders of Ukraine and their families. One of these important steps was the introduction of a mechanism for writing off loans and interest on them for women whose husbands are in military service.


Extension of benefits to wives of military personnel

From May 18, 2024, important changes to the legislation came into force, which significantly expanded financial benefits for families of military personnel. A key innovation was the extension of credit benefits to wives (husbands) of military personnel.

According to the updated paragraph 15 of Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Their Family Members”, now not only servicemen themselves, but also their wives (husbands) are exempted from charging fines, penalties and interest for using loans.

Importantly! This benefit does not apply to loans for the purchase of housing and cars. For such loans, the usual conditions continue to apply.

Write-off of loans and interest on loans to female military personnel

Who has the right to write off loans?

The updated legislation provides the right to write off loans and interest and applies to the spouses of servicemen called up for service during mobilization from February 24, 2022, except for servicemen serving on a contract basis.

Step-by-step procedure for writing off loan interest

In order to exercise the right to write off loans and interest, spouses of military personnel must complete the following steps:

  • Submit a written application to the creditor bank, indicating the purpose of the application and its reason.
  • Attach a copy of the document confirming the husband’s military service to the application. It can be a certificate from a military unit, a copy of a military ticket or another official document.
  • If necessary, provide additional documents at the request of the bank. However, it is important that the bank clearly argues why certain additional documents are needed.


Key aspects of writing off loans for servicemen’s wives

When exercising the right to write off loans for servicemen’s wives, it is important to consider two key points:

  • Restrictions on write-off:

The relief applies only to interest, penalties and interest on the loan. The main amount of the debt (body of the loan) remains obligatory for payment.

  • Expiry date of the benefit:

The right to write off is not limited to the period of martial law. It remains valid for 90 days after the official end of martial law in Ukraine.

Legal assistance for wives of military personnel

Legal assistance for wives of military personnel

In case of difficulties in exercising the right to charge off loans and interest, the law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” is always ready to provide you with professional assistance.

Our specialists will help you understand all the legal nuances, ensure the correct preparation of documents and defend your interests before banks and, if necessary, represent you in court.

You should not delay in applying for legal assistance, as timely and qualified assistance can greatly facilitate the process of obtaining benefits provided for by law. Contact “Prykhodko and Partners” – we guarantee a professional approach and effective resolution of your legal issues.

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Lawyer in the practice of bankruptcy of individuals and individual entrepreneurs. Specializes in write-off of bank and MFI loans through the bankruptcy procedure.

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