Фото: Revocation of a temporary residence permit

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Revocation of a temporary residence permit

Reading time: 4 min.

Foreigners' requests for a temporary residence permit do not always concern its extension. Sometimes it is necessary to cancel the residence permit. If you are interested in advice and legal support on this issue, you can contact the lawyers of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm, as inquiries in the field of migration are our focus of practice.

How to cancel a temporary residence permit?

The authority to revoke a residence permit is vested in the territorial units of the State Migration Service that issued the document. The residence permit is canceled in the following cases:

  • divorce;
  • completion of university studies by a foreigner;
  • termination of a foreign employee's employment contract.

Ukrainian legislation also allows for the option of voluntary return of a residence permit in cases where a foreigner no longer wishes to stay in Ukraine.


The obligation to notify the territorial unit of the State Migration Service of the termination of the grounds that gave the foreigner the right to a residence permit is imposed on the party that received him/her (educational institution, enterprise, public or religious organization). This must be done within 10 days from the moment when such a ground ceased. If we are talking about the voluntary return of a residence permit due to unwillingness to continue living in Ukraine, then the obligation to notify the State Migration Service is on the foreigner himself. The withdrawal and destruction of a residence permit occurs when a foreigner is deregistered.

How long is a temporary residence permit valid for?

According to the current legislation, a temporary residence permit in Ukraine is issued for a period of 1 year. If a foreigner wants to extend it, it must be done each time, no later than 15 days before the expiration of the existing residence permit. If, on the contrary, a foreigner wants to cancel the residence permit, he/she should follow the recommendations described above.

Let's touch on another important issue that is often addressed to the team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm. This is a permanent residence permit.

What does a permanent residence permit allow?

A permanent residence permit is issued on the basis of an immigration permit and allows a foreigner not only to freely enter and leave the territory of Ukraine throughout the entire period of validity of such a permit, but also offers a number of other advantages. In particular, we are talking about opportunities:

  • receive education in Ukraine;
  • to become a citizen of Ukraine;
  • to be employed without obtaining additional permits;
  • visit Ukraine an unlimited number of times a year or stay here permanently;
  • pay taxes as a tax resident;
  • open bank accounts in Ukraine and use them freely;
  • obtain the necessary visas in Ukraine for further travel abroad;
  • receive pension benefits in Ukraine.

Thus, a permanent residence permit in Ukraine provides a foreigner with a scope of rights close to that of citizens, except for participation in the electoral process.


Who is eligible for a permanent residence permit?

This issue is regulated by the Law of Ukraine «On Immigration» and depends on whether a foreigner immigrates within or outside the quota.

The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm regularly works with client requests in the field of migration law. Therefore, we will answer your questions and provide support in your current needs, which may relate to both the issuance and revocation of a residence permit. Fill out the form on our website and a lawyer will contact you shortly.

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