Фото: Postponement of mobilization: education

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Lawyer practicing military law. Consultations on mobilization, assistance in obtaining a deferment. Specialist in legal support of military personnel on issues of dismissal, compensation payments and transfers to another military unit. Assistance to military personnel in passing the Military Medical Commission, appealing the Military Medical Commission, writing reports and documents of any complexity.

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Postponement of mobilization: education

Reading time: 4 min.

Under martial law or general mobilization, the state is obliged to ensure the protection of its citizens and territorial integrity. However, at the same time, the state must take into account the interests of certain groups of the population, including students. One of such benefits is a deferral from mobilization for students. In this article, we will examine the legal aspects, reasons for the importance of this deferral, and mechanisms for its implementation.

Legal aspects of deferral

The postponement of mobilization for students is regulated by a number of legislative acts that define the grounds and procedure for granting a postponement. The main document is the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 560 of 16.05.2024 and other regulations that specify the categories of persons entitled to deferment.

In particular, full-time students, bachelors, masters, postgraduate and doctoral students, as well as interns, are eligible for the deferral. This benefit applies to both students enrolled in public and accredited private educational institutions. It is important to note that the deferral is granted for the period of study and may be terminated in case of expulsion or graduation.


Reasons for the importance of deferral

  1. Maintaining the educational level: In times of war or other emergencies, it is important to maintain a high level of education. Students who have the opportunity to complete their studies will be able to make a significant contribution to the country's recovery and economic development in the future.
  2. Ensuring scientific and technological progress: Young scientists and engineers are important for supporting innovation and the development of new technologies that can be critical in wartime.
  3. Social stability: Deferral of mobilization for students helps to maintain social stability. Young people who continue their studies do not lose contact with the educational environment and have the opportunity to continue their careers after graduation.

Mechanisms for implementing the deferral

In order to exercise the right to deferment, students must follow a certain procedure and provide the relevant documents. The main steps include:

  • Preparation of documents: the student must obtain a certificate from the educational institution confirming his/her status and form of study. This certificate must be certified by the administration of the institution.
  • Submitting an application to the TCC and JV: the student submits an application to the TCC and JV at the place of registration. Copies of the certificate from the educational institution, passport, identification code and other necessary documents are attached to the application.
  • Consideration of the application: the relevant commission at the TCC and JV considers the application and makes a decision on granting a deferral. In case of a positive decision, the student receives a relevant document confirming her right to deferment, namely a Certificate confirming the right to deferment.
  • Control and verification: the educational institution regularly provides information to the TCC and the JV on the student's status. In case of expulsion, the student loses the right to deferment and may be called up for military service during mobilization.


Challenges and possible problems with obtaining a deferral

Although the postponement of mobilization is important for students, its implementation can be accompanied by a number of problems. In particular, there may be cases of abuse when the TCC and JV deliberately delay consideration of the deferment, pointing out the need for personal presence and passing a military medical commission.

Important! Studying is the basis for obtaining a deferment, but you cannot be discharged from military service on this basis.

The deferral of mobilization for students is an important mechanism that ensures the preservation of the country's educational and scientific potential. This mechanism contributes to social stability and maintaining the level of education even in difficult periods. At the same time, the effective implementation of this benefit requires clear legal regulations and control by the relevant authorities. This is the only way to strike a balance between the needs of the country's defense and the interests of young people, who are its future.

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Lawyer practicing military law. Consultations on mobilization, assistance in obtaining a deferment. Specialist in legal support of military personnel on issues of dismissal, compensation payments and transfers to another military unit. Assistance to military personnel in passing the Military Medical Commission, appealing the Military Medical Commission, writing reports and documents of any complexity.

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