Фото: Where to turn if the salary has not been paid: how to punish the employer?

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Where to turn if the salary has not been paid: how to punish the employer?

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Faced with non-payment of wages? This is a serious problem that unfortunately many workers face. Don't know where to go and how to act? The law firm "Prykhodko and partners" is ready to help you protect your rights and obtain payment of the owed salary.

Where to go if you haven't received a salary?

  1. State service on labor issues. This is the main body of state supervision over compliance with labor legislation. You can file a complaint online or in person at a regional office. The State Labor Service will conduct an inspection and take measures to bring the employer to justice. In this case, it is important to consult with an experienced lawyer to get things right.
  2. You can also apply to the court with a claim for the recovery of owed wages. He will review your case and make a decision to pay you the amount due. In this case, the support of a qualified lawyer is mandatory.
  3. If you are a member of a trade union, you can contact your trade union organization for help. She can help you resolve the issue with the employer, as well as provide you with legal advice.

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How to punish the employer for non-payment of wages?

For non-payment of wages, the employer bears:

  • Administrative liability: a fine in the amount of 1 to 10 minimum wages.
  • Civil liability: payment of back wages, penalties, moral damages.

To punish the employer, you must:

  • Collect evidence: copies of the employment contract, hiring and dismissal orders, time sheets, payment information, etc.
  • Contact the above-mentioned bodies: State Labor, court or trade union.
  • Cooperate with a lawyer: he will help you draw up documents correctly, file a complaint or lawsuit, and also represent your interests in public authorities and in court.

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How can a lawyer help if you haven't been paid?

A labor law lawyer from "Prykhodko and Partners" will help you:

  1. Assess your situation and determine the best course of action based on in-depth knowledge of labor law and current case law.
  2. Gather the necessary evidence, including official documents, correspondence and witness statements.
  3. File a complaint with the State Labor Office, a statement to the prosecutor's office or a lawsuit to the court that meets all legal requirements.
  4. To represent your interests in government bodies and in court, confidently defending your position.
  5. To achieve payment of owed wages, penalties and, if there are grounds, moral damages.
  6. Protect your rights and legitimate interests at all stages of resolving a dispute with an employer.

"Prykhodko and Partners" is a team of experienced lawyers who will help you solve the problem of non-payment of wages and punish the employer. Remember, the sooner you decide to seek legal help, the easier it will be to restore justice and defend your rights.

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