Фото: Refusal to cross the state border

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Refusal to cross the state border

Reading time: 3 min.

During martial law, crossing the state border is often a difficult and confusing process, especially for conscripted men between the ages of 18 and 60. This group of citizens faces many obstacles when trying to go abroad. There are often cases when men are denied entry at checkpoints, even if they have all the necessary documents and legal grounds for doing so. If you were refused a border crossing, contact the company "Prikhodko and Partners" for advice and help in appealing this decision.

What can be the reasons for refusal to cross the state border?

In wartime, border guards may refuse to cross the border for various reasons, but the most common reason is that a person does not belong to the categories of citizens who can cross the state border.

If a person has the right to cross the border, he must provide supporting documents for this reason. The absence of documents or their incomplete volume may lead to a decision to refuse border crossing.

Importantly! There are cases of illegal refusal of the opportunity to travel abroad, when the DPS refuses even in the presence of grounds and all supporting documents. Such situations need to be paid attention to and challenged in an administrative or judicial manner.

Before going abroad, you should make sure that:

  • you belong to the persons who have the right to cross the border in accordance with the Resolution of the CMU No. 57 "Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine";
  • have all the necessary documents certifying the basis for crossing the border.

What should the decision on refusal to cross the border contain?

  1. This decision must be clearly justified by the border guard and include all the reasons for refusal.
  2. It becomes effective immediately and is drawn up in two copies, one of which is issued to the person who was refused.
  3. In case of disagreement, an act is drawn up to sign the decision, and the inspector informs his manager.
  4. The decision must contain mandatory details, such as the date of approval, the name of the checkpoint, information about the person who received the refusal, and contact details for appealing the decision.

Is it possible to appeal the refusal to cross the state border?

Refusal to cross the border can be appealed in two ways:

  • Administrative procedure. Submission of a written complaint to the DPS of Ukraine within one month from the moment of refusal.
  • Judicial procedure. Submission of a claim to the administrative court within 6 months from the moment of refusal. The application must be accompanied by a refusal decision and relevant evidence confirming the illegality of the refusal to cross.

How can we help?

The lawyer of the company "Prikhodko and partners" can provide professional legal assistance in case of refusal to cross the state border. He will be able to:

  • Analyze the circumstances of the case and collect the necessary evidence.
  • Prepare an effective legal position for challenging the refusal decision.
  • Represent the client's interests before the relevant bodies and institutions.
  • Protect the client's rights and interests in court, if necessary.
  • Provide professional advice on further actions and possible ways to resolve the situation.

With the help of an experienced lawyer from the company "Prykhodko and Partners", the client can have qualified support in protecting his rights and interests in case of refusal to cross the state border.

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