Фото: How to refuse an ID-Passport?

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How to refuse an ID-Passport?

Reading time: 4 min.

The possibility of citizens to refuse an ID passport and receive a booklet passport instead is expressly provided for and enshrined in the current legislation of Ukraine. At the same time, the procedure itself is not easy, so it is worth using legal support from those professionals who have sufficient experience in dealing with such cases.

The lawyers of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm are just such experts. We regularly advise our clients on these topics, as well as accompany them at the level of interaction with authorized state bodies.


What is the procedure for refusing an ID card?

So, in order to refuse from this document format and get a booklet passport, you need to:

  1. Submit an application to the relevant territorial unit of the SMS (State Migration Service). The applicant must do this at his or her place of residence. It is also possible to apply to the ASC. Administrative service centers are also authorized to consider such issues.
  2. Attach a passport of a citizen of Ukraine to the application. This can be either an old booklet-style document or an ID passport that the citizen would like to give up. It can also be other identity documents. When we advise our clients on this matter, we provide detailed guidance on the list of documents.

The decision to issue a passport in the form of a booklet is made within 20 business days. The calculation of the date starts from the date of receipt of the application.

What else is important to know about this issue?

Even if a citizen refuses an ID card, this does not relieve him or her of the obligation to have an identity document. As for the validity of a booklet passport, it is valid for 10 years from the date of birth of the person who received it. In the future, in order for the document to remain valid, new photos will need to be pasted within 30 days of the date of birth upon reaching 25 and 45 years of age. The procedure takes place in the already mentioned state bodies.

What legal acts regulate this issue?

The first legal act worth mentioning in the context of this topic is the Constitution of Ukraine. By the way, it was its Article 32 that the Supreme Court referred to when considering case № 806/3265/17 and obliged the authorized state bodies to issue passports in booklet format to citizens who request it.

In particular, the mentioned constitutional provision states that it is prohibited to collect, store, use and disseminate confidential information about a person without his or her consent. The only exceptions are specific cases provided for by law.

Another important legal act in this context is the Government Resolution № 258 of March 25, 2015, entitled “On Approval of the Procedure for the Design, Production, Issuance, Exchange and Withdrawal of the Passport of a Citizen of Ukraine”.


We will help you with the preparation of the desired document format

If you want to issue a passport in the form of a booklet, the lawyers of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm will help you do so. We will advise you and provide you with the necessary legal support to help you resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

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Lawyer specializing in migration law - processing documents on the territory of Ukraine, European Union countries (Poland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania), providing visa assistance for Ukrainian citizens and foreigners.

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