Wages not paid: what to do?

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Wages not paid: what to do?

Faced with non-payment of wages, employees often do not know how to act in such a situation. Protecting your rights and receiving the appropriate funds will help you contact the legal experts of “Prykhodko and Partners”, who know the current legislation well and have a clear plan of action.

What does the law say when paying wages?

According to the Labor Code of Ukraine, the Constitution and other legal documents, the employer is obliged to pay wages to his employees in a timely manner and in full. Delay in payment for more than one month is a gross violation of labor legislation.

Possible actions of the employee in case of non-payment of wages

  1. Appeal to the employer. It is necessary to write a written demand for the payment of the owed amount. In it, clearly indicate the amount of the debt, the period during which it arose, and the date when it must be paid. It is also worth contacting higher-level management (head of department, director) or the trade union (if there is one at the enterprise).
  2. Appeal to state authorities. You can file a complaint against the employer with the State Labor Service at the employer’s location. You can contact the prosecutor’s office. An expert from “Prykhodko and Partners” will do it for you quickly and competently.
  3. If necessary, a lawyer will help to apply to the court with a claim for collection of owed wages, late payment penalties, moral damages. You can apply to the court in order of injunctive proceedings, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the debt collection procedure.

Importantly! When contacting any authority, it is recommended to have with you:

  • Copies of the employment contract, hiring and dismissal orders.
  • Documents confirming the performance of work (timesheets, certificates of delivery and acceptance of completed work, etc.).
  • Written evidence of appeals to the employer regarding non-payment of wages (if any).

Consult a lawyer

Why is it better to contact a lawyer if the salary is not paid?

When faced with unpaid wages, many workers hesitate to seek legal help. Here are a few reasons why consulting a lawyer in such a situation is very important:

  1. Knowledge of legislation. The lawyer has in-depth knowledge of labor legislation and understands all the subtleties and nuances related to the payment of wages. He will be able to correctly qualify the employer’s actions, determine exactly which of your rights have been violated, and choose the most effective action strategy.
  2. Collection of evidence. Collecting the necessary evidence to prove non-payment of wages on your own can be a difficult task. A lawyer will help you to correctly draw up all documents, certify evidence and, if necessary, attract witnesses to the case.
  3. Drafting of legal documents. The lawyer will competently prepare a claim to the employer, a lawsuit to the court and other necessary legal documents. This ensures that your claims are clearly stated and supported by adequate evidence.
  4. Representation in court and state authorities. If the matter goes to court or you have to communicate with state authorities, a lawyer will represent your interests well. He has knowledge and experience in conducting similar cases, which significantly increases your chances of success.
  5. Protection of your rights. A lawyer will not only help you get a proper salary, but also protect your rights and interests in the process of resolving the conflict with the employer. He will ensure that the employer does not allow illegal actions against you.
  6. Saving time and effort. By contacting a lawyer, you save your time and effort. You will not have to independently study the legislation, collect evidence and communicate with representatives of the employer or government authorities.
  7. Psychological support. Non-payment of wages can be not only a financial problem, but also an emotional one. The lawyer will provide you with the necessary psychological support.

Remember! Contacting a lawyer at an early stage of solving the problem of non-payment of wages significantly increases your chances of a successful and quick resolution. Do not ignore your rights and do not be afraid to protect them.

Advantages of “Prykhodko and Partners” experts in the issue of non-payment of wages

  • Many years of work experience in the field of labor law.
  • Deep knowledge of legislation.
  • An individual approach to each client.
  • High effectiveness in resolving disputes with employers.

By contacting the lawyers of “Prykhodko and partners”, you can be sure that your rights will be protected, and the owed salary will be returned.

If you need a detailed consultation or want to know the price of legal assistance in case of non-payment of wages – fill out the form below.

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How to order the service? How do we work?

“Prykhodko and Partners” experts have deep knowledge of the specifics of labor legislation and experience in effective resolution of labor disputes. We provide comprehensive consultations on all issues of labor law, as well as provide comprehensive legal support for both employers and employees at all stages of cooperation.

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With its head office in Kyiv, the law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” successfully operates online throughout Ukraine.

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The company “Prikhodko and Partners” unites more than 50 highly qualified specialists, which allows us to effectively solve almost any legal problems and provide comprehensive support in various areas of law.

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