Registration of a foreign holding

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Vietinchuk Mariia

Специалист практик миграционного и корпоративного права также специализируется на юридическом сопровождении бизнеса в странах ЕС.

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Registration of a foreign holding

Registration of a foreign holding company to expand its activities at the international level.

The choice of jurisdiction to register a holding company affects many aspects of the business, including taxation, legal protection, growth opportunities, and international agreements.

The main criteria for choosing a jurisdiction

The tax system

One of the most important factors when choosing a jurisdiction is the tax system. Holding companies usually choose jurisdictions with favorable tax regimes that allow for minimizing tax liabilities.

Important aspects of the tax system include:

  • Income tax: Low or no income tax rates are attractive to holding companies.
  • Tax on dividends: No or reduced tax rates on dividends when they are distributed between subsidiaries and the holding company.
  • Double Taxation: Double Taxation Agreements (DTTs) allow you to avoid double taxation on income earned in different countries.
  • Capital Gains Tax: No or reduced rates of capital gains tax.

Legal System

The jurisdiction must provide a stable and transparent legal system that guarantees the protection of investors’ rights and proper settlement of corporate issues.

Key aspects include:

  • Shareholder protection: Jurisdictions with high levels of shareholder protection are attractive to investors.
  • Corporate law: Transparency and clarity of corporate legislation governing the activities of holding companies.
  • Legal stability: Stability of the legal system and the absence of risks of radical changes in legislation.

Jurisdiction’s reputation

The reputation of the jurisdiction also matters as it affects the perception of the holding by partners, investors, and regulators.

Choosing a jurisdiction with a good reputation can facilitate access to international financial markets and increase the credibility of the company.

Regulatory environment

It is important to consider the regulatory requirements of the jurisdiction, such as reporting, auditing, antitrust, and other aspects. Jurisdictions with simple and clear regulatory requirements can reduce the administrative burden on a company.

Cost and speed of registration

The holding company registration process should be quick and inexpensive. This includes both the initial registration costs and the ongoing costs of maintaining the company in the jurisdiction, such as the cost of audits, filing returns and other administrative costs.

Access to markets

Access to key markets is an important consideration when choosing a jurisdiction. Jurisdictions that have free trade agreements and other economic agreements with different countries can provide significant advantages for holding companies.

Popular jurisdictions for holding company registration


Luxembourg is one of the most popular jurisdictions to register holding companies due to its favorable tax regime and stable legal system.

The main advantages of Luxembourg include:

  • Low-Income Tax: The income tax rate for holding companies can be significantly reduced due to various tax benefits.
  • No capital gains tax: No capital gains tax on proceeds from the sale of shares of subsidiaries.
  • Developed infrastructure: Luxembourg has a developed financial infrastructure and extensive experience in working with international companies.
  • Double Taxation Agreements: Luxembourg has a network of double taxation agreements with most countries in the world.


The Netherlands is another attractive jurisdiction for the incorporation of holding companies.

Key benefits include:

  • Favorable tax regime: The Netherlands offers a favorable tax regime for holding companies, including no capital gains tax and a reduced tax rate on dividends.
  • Developed legal system: Stable and transparent legal system with a high level of protection of shareholders’ rights.
  • Network of Double Taxation Agreements: The Netherlands has an extensive network of double taxation agreements to reduce the tax burden.


Switzerland is one of the most popular jurisdictions for international holding companies due to its stable economy and favorable tax regime.

Key benefits include:

  • Low tax rates: Switzerland offers low-income tax rates for holding companies.
  • No capital gains tax: No capital gains tax on proceeds from the sale of shares of subsidiaries.
  • Stable legal system: A stable and transparent legal system with a high level of protection of shareholders’ rights.
  • International agreements: Switzerland has a network of double taxation agreements with many countries around the world.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the most popular jurisdictions for the registration of holding companies due to its favorable tax regime and developed economy.

Key benefits include:

  • Low tax rates: Hong Kong offers low-income tax rates for holding companies.
  • No capital gains tax: No capital gains tax on proceeds from the sale of shares of subsidiaries.
  • Stable legal system: A stable and transparent legal system with a high level of protection of shareholders’ rights.
  • International agreements: Hong Kong has a network of double taxation agreements with many countries around the world.


Cyprus is a popular jurisdiction for the incorporation of holding companies due to its favorable tax regime and strategic location.

Key benefits include:

  • Low tax rates: Cyprus offers low-income tax rates for holdings.
  • No capital gains tax: No capital gains tax on proceeds from the sale of shares of subsidiaries.
  • Network of Double Taxation Agreements: Cyprus has an extensive network of double taxation agreements with many countries around the world.

Therefore, criteria such as tax system, legal system, reputation of the jurisdiction, regulatory environment, cost and speed of registration, and access to markets should be considered when choosing a jurisdiction.

Each of the jurisdictions offers its own unique advantages and beneficial conditions for the registration of holding companies. The final choice of jurisdiction depends on the specific needs and strategic goals of the company.

Careful analysis and consultation with international tax planning specialists can help you choose the optimal jurisdiction to register your foreign holding, thus ensuring maximum benefits for your business.

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Специалист практик миграционного и корпоративного права также специализируется на юридическом сопровождении бизнеса в странах ЕС.

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