Appeal against the decision to elect a preventive measure

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Appeal against the decision to elect a preventive measure

A preventive measure is a procedural coercive action that is applied to a suspect, an accused in order to prevent evasion from appearing in court, an investigator, a prosecutor, as well as to prevent the commission of a new crime, pressure on witnesses, destruction of physical evidence, etc.

Precautions: types and features

  • Personal commitment:
  1. The essence: the suspect or the accused undertakes to fulfill certain duties imposed on him by the court.
  2. Advantages: not associated with deprivation of liberty.
  3. Disadvantages: May not be effective if the suspect or accused is unwilling to cooperate with law enforcement.
  • Personal guarantee:
  1. The essence: one or more persons vouch for the suspect, the accused and are responsible for his failure to appear in court.
  2. Advantages: not associated with deprivation of liberty.
  3. Disadvantages: need to find guarantors who have a stable financial position and an impeccable reputation.
  • Pledge:
  1. The essence: depositing a sum of money into the court’s deposit account.
  2. Advantages: Can be an alternative to detention.
  3. Disadvantages: requires significant funds.
  • House arrest:
  1. The essence: prohibition of the suspect or the accused to leave the place of residence without the permission of the court.
  2. Advantages: not related to detention in a pre-trial detention center.
  3. Disadvantages: can significantly limit freedom of movement and personal life.
  • Detention:
  1. The essence: the strictest preventive measure, which consists in keeping the suspect or the accused in a pre-trial detention facility.
  2. Advantages: Effectively prevents evasion of justice, pressure on witnesses and destruction of evidence.
  3. Disadvantages: associated with deprivation of liberty, which is a significant restriction of human rights.

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When can you appeal the decision on the selection of a preventive measure?

The decision on the selection of a preventive measure can be appealed in the appeal procedure within 5 days from the day of its announcement.

Grounds for appealing the decision on the selection of a preventive measure may be:

  • Illegality and unreasonableness of the resolution:
  1. Incorrect application of the norms of the criminal procedural law;
  2. The inconsistency of the selected preventive measure with the risks it is supposed to prevent;
  3. Lack of proof of the risks that the selected preventive measure is supposed to prevent;
  4. Non-compliance by the court with the procedure for choosing a preventive measure.
  • The presence of new circumstances that indicate the unreasonableness of the selected preventive measure:
  1. Changing the risks that the preventive measure is supposed to prevent;
  2. Change in the personal circumstances of the suspect, the accused (for example, health, marital status);
  3. The presence of good reasons that make it impossible to carry out a preventive measure.

Who and how can appeal the decision on the selection of a preventive measure

The decision on the selection of a preventive measure may be appealed by:

  1. Suspect, accused;
  2. Defender of the suspect, the accused;
  3. Prosecutor;
  4. Victim;
  5. Civil plaintiff;
  6. Civil defendant.

An appeal against a decision on the selection of a preventive measure is submitted to the Court of Appeal through the court that issued this decision.

The assistance of our lawyers in appealing a decision on the selection of a preventive measure

Our lawyers have extensive experience in handling cases related to the appeal of decisions on the selection of a preventive measure. We will help you:

  • Analyze the decision on the selection of a preventive measure and determine the grounds for its appeal:
  1. To study all the circumstances of the case, which are important for choosing a preventive measure;
  2. Analyze the legality and validity of the resolution;
  3. To determine whether violations of the norms of the criminal procedural law were allowed by the court.
  • To draw up and submit a complaint against the decision on the selection of a preventive measure:
  1. Correctly file a complaint, taking into account the requirements of the law;
  2. To justify the requirements of the complaint with references to the norms of the law and the practice of judicial bodies;
  3. Add all necessary documents to the complaint.
  • To represent your interests in the Court of Appeal:
  1. To speak at court hearings;
  2. Defend your position;
  3. Provide the court with the necessary evidence and explanations;
  4. Appeal the decision of the appellate court in the cassation procedure, if necessary.

Advantages of contacting our lawyers:

  • Extensive experience: our lawyers have many years of experience in conducting cases related to the appeal of decisions on the selection of a preventive measure;
  • In-depth knowledge: our lawyers have in-depth knowledge of criminal procedural law and the practice of its application;
  • Highly qualified: our lawyers are highly qualified and constantly improve their knowledge;
  • Individual approach: we approach each case individually, taking into account all its circumstances;
  • Fair prices: We offer fair prices for our services.

By contacting our lawyers for help, you can be sure that your rights and interests will be protected as much as possible.

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