Accountant for primary documentation

"We save the most important thing: your time, your nerves, your money."

Vorozhbitova Krystyna

Chief Accountant

Leading specialist with practical experience in economics and accounting.

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Accountant for primary documentation

For any enterprise, maintaining the correct primary accounting documentation is not only a duty, but also a guarantee of successful functioning. Primary documents serve as confirmation of business transactions carried out by the company and are the basis for accounting, tax reporting and audits.

What is primary documentation?

Primary accounting documents are documents that record the facts of business transactions and confirm their legal validity. Primary documents include:

  • Invoices;
  • Invoices;
  • Acts of acceptance and transfer;
  • Expense and income orders;
  • Checks;
  • Receipts;
  • Other documents provided by law.

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Risks in the event of violation of primary accounting documentation

  1. Penal sanctions from the control authorities. In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, for keeping accounting records in violation of the established rules, in particular, for improper registration of primary documents, a fine is imposed on the taxpayer for each such violation.
  2. Additional tax obligations. If, as a result of a violation of primary documentation, the controlling authorities will not be able to confirm the reality of the economic transactions, this may lead to additional tax liabilities.
  3. Inability to prove expenses and receive tax credit. Incorrectly prepared primary documents do not entitle the taxpayer to include the relevant expenses in the tax expenses and receive a VAT tax credit.
  4. Account blocking. Controlling bodies have the right to stop the flow of payment funds on the taxpayer’s accounts in case of detection of violations in accounting, in particular, violations of the rules for the preparation of primary documents.
  5. Loss of business reputation. Failure to maintain primary documentation may indicate careless business conduct, which may negatively affect the company’s business reputation and lead to the loss of partners and customers.

Do not take risks – entrust the maintenance of primary documentation to professionals.

Remote accountant: reliable collaboration and correct primary documentation

In today’s world, more and more companies choose to work with remote accountants. It is convenient, economical and gives an opportunity to get access to qualified specialists, regardless of the location of the office.

Advantages of working with a remote accountant:

  • Saving money. You do not need to spend money on renting office space, equipment and salaries for a full-time accountant.
  • Convenience. You can communicate with a remote accountant online at any time that is convenient for you.
  • Access to qualified specialists. You can choose a remote accountant from any city in Ukraine, not limited by the geographical location of your office.
  • Control over the accountant’s work. You can access reports and information about the status of your cases at any time.
  • Reducing the risk of errors. Remote accountants, as a rule, use modern software and have access to up-to-date databases, which significantly reduces the risk of errors in accounting.

How can a remote accountant help you with primary documentation?

  • A specialist with extensive experience will help you develop a primary documentation management system that will meet your needs and legal requirements.
  • An outsourced accountant can train your staff to properly prepare primary documents.
  • A remote accountant will regularly check the correctness of the primary documents and provide you with recommendations for improving the primary documentation system.
  • A professional accountant can prepare and submit tax returns based on properly prepared primary documents.

Calculate the cost of the accountant’s help

“Prykhodko and partners”: our accountants will help you to correctly maintain primary documentation

The legal company “Prykhodko and Partners” offers a wide range of accounting services, including primary documentation services. Our qualified accountants have extensive work experience and knowledge of current legislation. We will help you:

  • Avoid mistakes when keeping primary documentation;
  • Reduce the risks of problems during inspections by regulatory authorities;
  • Save time and money on accounting.

Contact the law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” and we will make sure that your primary documentation is always in perfect order.

If you want to order a consultation or find out the price of an accountant’s services for primary documentation, fill out the form below.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you have more than 10 employees?


2 question

Do you have a monthly turnover of more than 1 million hryvnias?


3 question

Do you have a company subject to general taxation?

Vorozhbitova Krystyna
Chief Accountant

Leading specialist with practical experience in economics and accounting.

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TOP lawyers dealing with such cases in Ukraine

Vorozhbitova Krystyna

Chief Accountant

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Nataliia Moroz


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Focus on business development, and entrust accounting to professionals – outsource accounting!

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
Price for services in the "Remote accounting" category:
The name of the servicePrice, UAHTerms
LLC accounting from 15 000 UAH 1 month
Bookkeeping of the FOP from 3 000 UAH 1 month
Accounting audit from 10 000 UAH from 5 days
Close FOP from 10 000 UAH from 2 days
Payroll services from 1 000 UAH for 1 person from 1 day
Sick leave and vacation pay from 1 000 UAH for 1 person from 1 day
HR administration from 500 UAH for 1 person constantly
Recovery of primary documentation from 20 000 UAH from 1 week

Price range: 2 000 - 80 000 UAH The price is valid for September 2024

Do you work only in Kyiv?

We provide accounting outsourcing services for clients throughout Ukraine, and we can also serve companies abroad. Thanks to the use of modern online technologies, we have the opportunity to effectively cooperate with clients remotely, regardless of their location.

What business areas do you specialize in?

We have a staff of 50+ experienced lawyers with deep knowledge in specialized areas of law. Therefore, we serve a wide range of clients – from startups to large corporations, in various fields of activity.

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