Фото: Consultation on Value Added Tax

"Taxes are the price we pay for the opportunity to live in a civilized society".

Yasinskiy Yevhen

Head of tax law practice

An expert in the practice of tax law, specializes in the protection of rights in court, corporate law.

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Consultation on Value Added Tax

Reading time: 3 min.

VAT advice is the subject matter of a tax lawyer. If you are looking for such a specialist, you should contact Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm. This branch of jurisprudence is in our practice focus. Therefore, we can provide you with competent and comprehensive advice on all matters of interest. This can be done both orally and in writing. Here, each client chooses the format of interaction that is more comfortable for him or her.

Get legal advice on value added tax

What are the most common questions asked by a lawyer on value added tax

One of the most common client requests, as our practice shows, is to check a company for fictitiousness. Indeed, this aspect and, in general, the research of information about a potential counterparty can save you from many rash decisions regarding cooperation. For example, if you interact in a contractual relationship with a company that has been included in the list of risky companies, you may later have problems with obtaining a tax credit.

Your company may also be included in the list of risky companies by cooperating with such counterparties. Therefore, getting the support of a qualified tax lawyer in time to help prevent this will be a good investment in your own peace of mind and the ability to conduct business without interruption.

Another fairly common request we receive is for a table of data of a value added tax payer. Its submission is especially relevant in 2 cases: when tax invoices or adjustment calculations are blocked and when the VAT payer wants to be proactive and avoid such blocking. Of course, in the second of these cases, the VAT payer's data table is not a universal “panacea”, but it can prevent the blocking of tax invoices/adjustment calculations on a number of grounds.

What other issues will a tax lawyer help you with

In the context of the topic of Value Added Taxes, the following issues are also relevant:

  • what a tax credit is;
  • how to appeal against the blocking of a tax invoice in a procedural (administrative) and judicial way;
  • what package of documents is attached to the explanations of the State Tax Service to unblock tax invoices/adjustment accounts;
  • how to appeal against the fact that the company was included in the list of risky companies (especially often clients contact us regarding clause 8 of the risk criteria);
  • how to optimize Value Added Tax;
  • what penalties for non-payment of this tax are relevant in a particular period;
  • what is the algorithm of the Risk Assessment Criteria Monitoring System and what actions a taxpayer can take to prevent blocking of invoices;
  • how to check the counterparty through the Electronic Cabinet, if they have given their consent;
  • how the Value Added Tax is refunded.

Calculate the cost of a tax lawyer's assistance

As our practice shows, one of the top issues that tax attorneys are asked to address is assistance in blocking tax invoices and situations when a company is included in the list of risky ones. Indeed, such problems need to be resolved quickly, as they impede the smooth conduct of business, prevent counterparties from obtaining a tax credit, and spoil contractual relationships with partners.

The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm has all the necessary legal tools to solve such problems in a really high-quality manner, working for the result. So do not hesitate and contact a tax lawyer who will help you effectively.

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Head of tax law practice

An expert in the practice of tax law, specializes in the protection of rights in court, corporate law.

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