Representation in the economic process

"We will protect the integrity of your honor, dignity, business reputation and intellectual property."

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

He specializes in protecting the business reputation of legal entities, honor and dignity of individuals, protecting intellectual property, disputes with insurance companies, legal support for the activities of public organizations.

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Representation in the economic process

Business disputes are an integral part of running a business. Whether you are the owner of a small business or the head of a large corporation, you may need the help of a qualified business lawyer.

Economic process: main features

The economic process is a system of legal norms that regulate the procedure for consideration of economic disputes in courts. It has a number of features that distinguish it from civil and criminal proceedings.

The most popular types of cases in the commercial court

  1. Debt collection disputes. These are conflicts between parties regarding non-fulfillment of financial obligations, when one party demands the return of money or the fulfillment of an agreement. The peculiarities of such disputes consist in proving the legality of the claim and taking into account the legislation on debt collection procedures.
  2. Disputes about termination of contracts. These are situations when the parties to the agreement cannot agree on terms or circumstances arise that violate the agreement. Features of such disputes include the analysis of the text of the contract, compliance with the procedures for termination of the contract and the resolution of the issue of compensation for violations.
  3. Disputes about the recognition of ownership. These are situations where there are contradictions regarding ownership of property or real estate. The peculiarities of such disputes consist in proving the right of ownership through documents, witness statements and expert opinions.
  4. Bankruptcy disputes. These are conflicts related to the financial condition of an enterprise or a person, when there are not enough funds to repay debts. Features of such disputes include the participation of creditors, analysis of financial documents and court procedures for the recognition of bankruptcy.
  5. Disputes with tax authorities. These are situations when disagreements arise between the taxpayer and the tax service regarding the amount of tax liabilities or the correctness of their calculation. Features of such disputes include the submission of documentation, argumentation of the parties’ positions, and participation in tax inspections and audits.

Consult a lawyer

Why is it important to contact an experienced lawyer?

Business affairs, as a rule, are complex and confusing. They need knowledge of current legislation, as well as the practice of its application. An experienced lawyer will help you:

  1. Form the correct legal position:
  • A lawyer will analyze your situation and determine which laws and regulations apply to it.
  • He will help you form a clear and well-founded legal position that will be most beneficial for you.
  1. Collect the necessary evidence:
  • A lawyer will help you determine what evidence you need to prove your legal position.
  • He will help you to collect this evidence, as well as to prepare it properly.
  1. Prepare procedural documents:
  • A lawyer will help you correctly draw up all the necessary procedural documents, such as a statement of claim, a response to a claim, an appeal, etc.
  • He will also help you submit these documents to the court in the prescribed manner.
  1. Represent your interests in court:
  • A lawyer will represent your interests in court at all stages of the trial.
  • He will protect your rights and interests, as well as monitor compliance with legality during the court process.

A few additional reasons why it is important to consult an experienced lawyer:

  • A lawyer has knowledge and experience that you do not have. He knows all the intricacies of economic legislation and the practice of its application.
  • A lawyer can help you avoid mistakes that could lead to losing your case.
  • A lawyer can save you time and nerves. You will not need to independently study the laws, collect evidence and prepare documents.
  • A lawyer can help you get the most favorable result for you.

If you have a business problem, don’t try to solve it yourself. Contact an experienced lawyer who will help you protect your rights and interests.

Contacting an experienced lawyer will significantly increase your chances of success in business matters. A lawyer will help you avoid mistakes, save time and nerves, and get the most favorable result for you.

Consult a lawyer

Advantages of the company “Prykhodko and partners”

We have many years of experience representing clients in commercial courts and offer a wide range of legal services, including:

  1. Consulting on economic issues.
  2. Pre-trial settlement of disputes.
  3. Representation in court.
  4. Appealing court decisions.

If you need a consultation or if you want to know the price of representation in the economic process – fill out the form below.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Have other lawyers already dealt with your issue?


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Do you estimate your losses to be more than UAH 500,000?


3 question

Are you in Kyiv or the region?

An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

He specializes in protecting the business reputation of legal entities, honor and dignity of individuals, protecting intellectual property, disputes with insurance companies, legal support for the activities of public organizations.

Contact now

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TOP lawyers dealing with such cases in Ukraine

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Get in touch

Ohorodnyk Viktoriia


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How to order the service? How do we work?

Specialists of the business law department “Prykhodko and Partners” have deep knowledge of the specifics of doing business in Ukraine. We will help understand the intricacies of economic legislation, resolve corporate disputes, support M&A agreements, and protect interests during tax and other audits.

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
Is a subscriber form of service possible to quickly resolve issues as they arise?

Yes, of course, we take companies for permanent support.

The subscription form of service allows you to receive a full range of legal services on an ongoing basis for a fixed monthly fee.

Our lawyers will accompany all economic legal relations of your company: from drawing up contracts and solving corporate issues to representing interests during inspections by regulatory bodies and in court disputes.

We have very flexible pricing, so contact us and we will discuss your specific case.

Do you work only in Kyiv?

Fortunately, modern technologies allow us to effectively solve almost any legal issue online regardless of your location. In cases where personal presence is necessary, our lawyers are ready to travel to any point in Ukraine. Moreover, thanks to our network of reliable partners abroad, we can provide legal support even in international cases. Our goal is to provide you with quality legal assistance wherever you are.

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