Фото: Article 407 of the Criminal Code. Voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service

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Article 407 of the Criminal Code. Voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service

Reading time: 3 min.

As you know, a full-scale war in our country is accompanied by general mobilization. However, not all mobilized feel comfortable in the conditions of war. Many volunteers and mobilized people began to consider voluntarily leaving a military unit or place of service as the only possible solution to the situation. The current criminal legislation of Ukraine provides for liability for such actions. That is why, if you are charged under Article 407 of the Criminal Code, it is best to use the help of professional lawyers. Specialists Prykhodko and Partners have the necessary experience for quality protection of your rights and interests.

Liability under Article 407 of the Criminal Code

To begin with, let's consider what exactly the responsibility is for. According to the current legislation, the following rule applies: if a military soldier leaves the territory for which he is "fixed" without valid reasons, without the appropriate permission of the commander, his actions will be qualified as a truce.

The object of the offense under Article 407 of the Criminal Code is the procedure for military service. Today, there are a number of legislative acts that directly enshrine it.

Article 407 of the Criminal Code establishes 2 separate components of the crime, namely:

Non-appearance of a military person at the place of duty at the stipulated time

This category includes situations when a soldier is absent without valid reasons, has not returned on time from a business trip, vacation, treatment in medical facilities, etc.

Arbitrarily leaving the place of service or military unit.

If we consider these actions of the military from a legal point of view, we are talking about inaction, that is, a person shirks from the obligations imposed on him.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are some objective factors that cannot be considered as criminal acts. These can be, for example: problems with transport and logistics, serious illness, natural disaster. How important this reason is, the command will analyze. The next stage is an appeal to representatives of law enforcement agencies.

The maximum penalty under Article 407 of the Criminal Code is imprisonment for a term of up to 10 years.

Assistance of lawyers in cases of SZCH

Summing up, we note the following: at the current stage, in the conditions of martial law, voluntary abandonment of the place of service is quite a common phenomenon.

If your actions have been considered as SZH, you have 2 options: 100% admit your own guilt or refuse to admit any illegality of your own actions.

Whichever option you personally choose, the first thing to do is to enlist the support of professional lawyers. Lawyers Prykhodko and Partners have the necessary knowledge and practical experience in the defense of suspects/accused under Article 407 of the Criminal Code.

We know how to defend the rights of clients within the framework of current Ukrainian legislation with minimal moral and time costs.

Our lawyers will make every effort to ensure that the sentence is significantly reduced or the accused is fully acquitted. The key to our success is an individual approach to each specific case. We understand all the intricacies of modern Ukrainian legislation and have detailed information on the specifics of military service in the conditions of an active base of full-scale war.

Do you still have questions? We are waiting for a preliminary consultation! To calculate the cost of a lawyer's services in cases of SZH, fill out the form below.

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