Фото: Pretrial demand

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Ohorodnyk Viktoriia

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Pretrial demand

Reading time: 2 min.

A pre-trial demand is an official appeal of one party to another in order to resolve a conflict or settle an issue without going to court. This process may include negotiation, mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods.

Advantages of pretrial demand

  • Efficiency: A pretrial motion allows the parties to quickly and efficiently resolve the dispute without a lengthy court process.
  • Conservation of resources: Resolving a conflict through a pre-trial motion can significantly reduce the costs associated with participating in litigation, such as legal fees, time and emotional effort.
  • Preserving Relationships: Mediation and negotiations that occur during pre-litigation allow the parties to preserve their relationship, which can be important, especially in cases of business conflicts.
  • Flexibility: The pre-litigation process allows the parties to independently choose how to resolve the conflict, including choosing a mediator or terms that suit their needs.


The legal company "Prikhodko & Partners" can provide a wide range of services in drafting a pre-trial claim, providing professional support and consultations in this process.

  • Consultation on a legal issue: Our company's lawyers can provide advice on issues related to your specific dispute or problem and help determine whether it is appropriate and effective to prepare a pre-trial claim.
  • Analysis of the situation and evidence: The law firm "Prikhodko & Partners" can conduct an analysis of your situation, study all the facts and evidence you have, and prepare a strategy for drafting a pre-trial claim.
  • Drafting and wording of the claim: Our competent lawyers can prepare the text of the pre-trial demand, which contains clear and justified demands to the opposite party, indicating the grounds and legal norms that justify sending this demand.
  • Negotiations and mediation: If necessary, lawyers can represent you during negotiations with the opposite party or act as mediators to reach a compromise solution.
  • Preparation of documentation: The Company can assist you in preparing all necessary documentation to accompany the pre-litigation claim, including any letters, statements, evidence and other documents.
  • Alternative dispute resolution methods: In addition, lawyers can recommend and provide services for the use of alternative dispute resolution methods if they are considered more effective for your situation.


In general, our law firm can provide a full range of services in drafting a pre-trial claim, starting from consultations and analysis of the situation to preparation of documents and representation in the conflict resolution process.

To get a lawyer's advice on a pre-trial claim - fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you in the near future.

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Lawyer, specializes in resolving international arbitration and court disputes, corporate, labor, medical, contract law, as well as supporting the economic activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

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