Business protection

«I personally guarantee that we will honestly and decently do our job!»

Prykhodko Andrii

Lawyer, Doctor of Laws, recognized media expert on legal issues, legal adviser to famous politicians and businessmen.

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Business protection

Business protection


Prykhodko Andrii

Business protection (Attorney)

Each of us understands that doing business in Ukraine is 100% legal and in full compliance with all standards, requirements, rules, etc. – IMPOSSIBLE! Or economically not profitable!

Ukrainian realities show that today there is no 100% legitimate business, in each case there are certain violations or shortcomings (employees are not registered, salary in an envelope, inconsistency of registration data with actual ones, incomplete taxation, lack of licenses, permits, etc.)


This gives law enforcement and regulatory authorities grounds to interfere in the business process.

In fact, interference may not harm you, but the time spent on travel to government agencies, collection documents for their requirements, or even summons for interrogations, searches, seizure of equipment or goods, will at least lead to economic losses.

The PRIKHODKO&PARTNERS Law Firm is the best law firm in the field of protecting business from law enforcement and regulatory authorities, taking into account the following:

  • the company’s managing partner has 10 years of experience in operational, investigative subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and prosecutors;
  • the company employs lawyers with experience in the investigative bodies of the DFS, the prosecutor’s office, as well as highly specialized lawyers with a professional understanding of the tactics and methods of work of law enforcement and regulatory agencies;
  • we are always before cooperation, we calculate the prospects of solving your problem and predict the final result;
  • we work honestly and openly in relation to Clients, in order to establish long-term partnerships.

Prevention and neutralization of criminal legal risks associated with the structure of a business or individual business processes, optimization of taxation. Business due diligence is about protecting the business before something happens. An experienced business defense lawyer should not solve problems, but take measures so that they do not arise!Andrey Prikhodko

Criminal legal protection of business. What exactly do we offer?

Starting from the moment of registration of a business, the election of a legal form, registration of employees, the creation of branches or representative offices and ending with the processes of separation of companies or their termination of criminal risks may arise, in particular with regard to the application of Art.205-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (registration of an enterprise using forged documents), 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (legalization of income), 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (tax evasion), 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (forgery of documents, seals, stamps), 364, 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (official negligence of the director or abuse of power by the director) etc.

Protection of business from pressure from law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

The purpose of the interrogation is not clear to you. The summons will contain the number of the criminal proceedings and the name of the person who signed it. Based on this data, we find out all the information on the criminal case, information about all the persons who testified against you, we conduct legal instruction for you and persons who may be summoned in the future. In the event of a search and seizure of goods or equipment, we monitor the observance of laws by law enforcement agencies (most often legal errors or inaccuracies on the part of law enforcement agencies are made, which allows you not to follow their instructions, prevent a search, do not give goods or equipment, or return everything, if their seizure, as soon as possible).

Criminal legal protection of business, namely the protection of creditors’ rights from unfair actions of debtors, compensation for harm in criminal proceedings.

Here it is important to trace the line between civil law relations and fraud (Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). It often happens that an unscrupulous debtor is deprived of property in advance by re-registering it to dummies, and subsequently makes it impossible to collect funds in court. We are guaranteed to provide assistance so that information is entered into the Edr against such a debtor (a criminal case has been initiated). Often, a person who is aware of the possibility of criminal liability returns the debt.

Legal protection of business in the area of corruption risks (in particular, public procurement).

The Managing Partner specializes in anti-corruption legislation and has perfect knowledge of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption”, the Law of Ukraine “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”, by-laws were adopted in accordance with these laws, and the corruption articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, is the Deputy Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the SBI AUP , has experience in investigating corruption and malfeasance. Having received advice on protecting business on any issue, you yourself will understand that we are professionals here.

Legal protection of business from debtors in civil and economic relations, in which measures of criminal legal pressure are unlawfully taken with the aim of compulsion to fulfill or refusal to fulfill obligations.

For example. Your company owes money and your counterparties start criminal proceedings against the director. We are guaranteed to help close the criminal proceedings, transfer relations into the framework of a civil law nature and in the future installment or postpone payments for a significant period.

Protection of business from illegal actions or inaction of state bodies.

Law enforcement and regulatory agencies are used to impunity. Business structures most often try not to spoil relations. However, there are situations when officials show excessive personal interest or negative attitude towards you and try to create problems as much as possible. Our recommendation, in such cases, is to make it clear that an official may have more problems than a businessman. We will provide assistance so that in relation to the official who is abusing his position they carry out an official check at work, initiate criminal proceedings against him, apply to a state body with a claim for material damage, transfer the information to the media.

Cost of services of a lawyer (lawyer) for the protection and support of business in Kiev.


* When hiring a lawyer to work on non-working days and days off, as well as in the after hours (from 18-00 to 9-00 hours), the time billing is doubled.

* If the volume of services is exhausted before the end of the month, the client may pay the cost of the new tariff or use the hourly tariff of 1,200 UAH/hour.


Participation in court hearings (in minor cases) – lawyers/lawyers’ assistants, lawyers50 USD/hour
Participation in court hearings of the deputy managing partner – lawyer100 USD/hour
Participation in court hearings of the managing partner – a lawyer200 USD/hour


* The calculation of the hourly rate begins 1 hour before the start of the court session and ends 1 hour after its official completion, if the court is located within the city of Kiev.

* The calculation of the hourly rate begins 2 hours before the start of the court session and ends 2 hours after its official end, if the court is located within the Kiev region.

* The cost of travel allowance, if the vessel is in the regions of Ukraine, is calculated separately from the hourly rate and amounts to UAH 5,000/day.

Legal protection of small and medium-sized businesses.

Regardless of the scale of your business – you have just started or you already have a world-class business, PRIKHODKO&PARTNERS Law Firm is a top legal company for business protection and we will do The most comfortable offer for you. In order to make sure of this for yourself, we invite you to our office to meet personally with the managing partner Andrey Prikhodko. We are sure that you will have positive impressions.

How we work:

Leave a request in a convenient way for you: through the feedback form by e-mail or call
We hold a meeting, discuss the terms of cooperation
We sign a contract, you pay for the service and we start working on your question right away

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Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you have an in-house or your own lawyer?


2 question

Do you have an in-house or outsourced accountant?


3 question

Do you have a suspicion that there will be searches or have already taken place?


4 question

Do you need legal assistance urgently?


Lawyer, Doctor of Laws, recognized media expert on legal issues, legal adviser to famous politicians and businessmen.

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How to order the service? How do we work?

With “Prykhodko and Partners” you avoid unnecessary risks and possible problems with the law and counterparties.

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
Do you serve only Kyiv companies?

Our law office serves companies throughout Ukraine. Distance is not an obstacle for full-fledged, high-quality legal support for business.

What exactly do you specialize in?

The law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” specializes in complex legal support for businesses in a wide range of industries. Our team includes more than 50 highly qualified lawyers, each of whom has deep expertise in their area of ​​law.

Thanks to an extensive network of international partners, we also effectively support cross-border projects of our clients.

We are proud of our ability to provide high-quality services to organizations of various sizes and industries – from startups to international corporations, from IT companies to non-profit organizations.

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