Фото: Urgent building passport for the development of a land plot – the price of issuing a building passport

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Urgent building passport for the development of a land plot – the price of issuing a building passport

Reading time: 3 min.

Building passport - a document that defines a set of requirements (architectural and urban planning) for the construction and placement of an individual (residential, summer house, garden) house, the area of which is no more than 500 m2 and the number of floors - no more than 2 floors (attic floor is not taken into account) . Also, the following can be placed on the plot of land: farm buildings, structures, garages, elements of landscaping, engineering protection, landscaping on the plot of land. A construction passport can be issued both for plots located in villages and cities, and for plots in summer cottage cooperatives and garden societies. That is, the rules for issuing a budget passport are the same. If you need an urgent construction passport for the development of a land plot, specialists of our PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS legal company will help you with this.

What documents are required to issue a construction passport?

To issue a construction passport, you must prepare a package of documents, which consists of:

  • Applications for the issuance of a construction passport.
  • Construction project (if available).
  • Documents of the customer (passport and TIN).
  • Title document for a land plot. It can be a contract, state act, certificate, etc.
  • Consent of co-owners of the land plot (if any).
  • Sketchy building intentions.

The term of consideration of an application for the issuance of an urgent construction passport is up to 10 working days.

The construction passport contains graphic and textual materials. The most important of them is the plot development scheme. The construction plan shows the structures and buildings that you plan to place on the plot of land. Important: the construction of objects that are not in the construction passport will be considered spontaneous, that is, carried out without documents. In this case, the partial construction of structures and buildings indicated on the scheme of the construction passport will not be a violation.

The price of issuing a construction passport

It is quite difficult to independently issue a construction passport for the development of a land plot. It is better to entrust this matter to real professionals. In the case of incorrect documents, the authorized body of urban planning and architecture may refuse to issue a construction passport. The following may also be grounds for refusing to issue a passport:

  • Submission of an incomplete package of documents.
  • Non-compliance of the new building with the requirements of urban planning documentation, planning decisions of city projects, state construction standards, norms and rules.

PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS specialists carry out:

  • Consulting on obtaining a passport for construction.
  • Preparation of necessary documents.
  • Submitting them to the relevant bodies of the Department of Urban Planning.
  • Obtaining a construction passport.

In addition, we provide related services, for example, putting the facility into operation.

The price of a building passport will depend on many factors, including: type of land plot, area, presence of buildings, etc.

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