Фото: How to submit an application to the European Court of Human Rights?

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How to submit an application to the European Court of Human Rights?

Reading time: 3 min.

In what cases can an application be submitted to the European Court of Human Rights?

The European Court of Human Rights is an international judicial body whose jurisdiction extends to all member states of the Council of Europe that have ratified the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


In particular, Ukraine is among the countries that have ratified the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and therefore citizens of Ukraine have the right to file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.

Before submitting a complaint to the ECtHR, it should be noted that the subject of the complaint can only be the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in particular, and its protocols.

Among the most common violations of human rights in Ukraine within the criminal process are violations of the right to life, the prohibition of torture, rights and freedom and personal integrity, the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for private and family life, the right and an effective method of legal protection, etc.

Therefore, if your right provided for by the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or its protocols has been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with the ECHR.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that a corresponding complaint must be submitted to the ECtHR, namely from the date of adoption of a final court decision or a decision of a government body, which is not subject to appeal.

You have FOUR months from the date of adoption of the final court decision or the decision of the authority, which is not subject to appeal, to submit a corresponding complaint to the ECtHR.

Information regarding the violation of your rights and fundamental freedoms is provided in the FORM, which you can find on the official website of the ECHR (access via the link – https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=home).

In which language do I need to submit an application to the European Court?

The official languages of the European Court are English and French, but you can apply to the European Court in the official language of one of the states that has ratified the Convention on the Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


You can send the corresponding completed Forms (applications) to the European Court by mail to the address directly indicated on this Form.

After receiving your Form by postal means, the Secretariat of the European Court sends you a letter in which it informs you of the following:

«Your application is not admissible for consideration by the European Court of Human Rights»


«Your application is eligible for consideration by the European Court of Human Rights»

and You will be given further instructions on communication with the European Court.

In order for your Form to be "acceptable" and accepted for consideration by the European Court of Human Rights, it is better to contact specialists who will help you to submit a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. Leave a request in the form below to calculate the cost of consultation and assistance in submitting an application to the ECtHR.

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